Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Toledo mayoral race

The Toledo mayoral race is in top gear. So far five candidates have been identified as serious contentors. Among them, Mike Bell, Micheal Collins, Ben Konop, Jim Moody, and Keith Wilkowski. For some reason, I have been able to visit the websites for all the five candidates and had a glimpse of what they stand for. Even though all of them stands a better chance to win the election, it seems to me that Keith Wilkowski is most likely to emerge vistorious. One thing that I learned from Keith's website is that it is more attractive, elaborate, and easy to navigate. Keith's website serves a number of purposes; it serves as one of his political campaign communication strageties. Keith is definitely using the website to reach out to potential voters. Another function that the website fulfils is fundraising. On the home page, their is a contribution icon that leads the audience to a page where they can send donations. These are just but a few functions that websites serve in political campaigns. It shows the increasing influence of websites as a political campaign communication stategy.

Not Just the Candidates Advertise

In chapter 10, we learn how there are several types of media in which a candidate can advertise to voters about their character, important issues and their campaign in general. However, during the past Presidental election, voters across America were shown that it is not just the candidates who advertise during the election season. There were 6th and 7th grade students who came up with a rap-debate, describing to American citizens the postitives and negatives of both Barack Obama and John McCain. The rap told people that it was a big election, and explained the two sides of the spectrum, including the words, "you can vote however you like." The rap was soon on youtube everywhere, and the students (who are unable to vote themselves) were interviewed on several news stations and soon known nation-wide. An advertisement like this is a catchy way to get people who are registered to vote and even educated a little bit about both candidates. Running mates and the main issues of both candidates is included in the song. The students were seen on Opera, CNN, ABC news, and other big news channels to show the importance of voting in the November 4, 2008 election. These students showed American citizens the importance of knowing who is running for office and the main issues of Presidental candidates, even when one is not old enough to vote.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Obama and Chicago

Obama will be the first president in history to show his support for the Olympics. President Obama will be making an appearance in Denmark to meet with the Olympics commitee. While there he will try to push his home city Chicago to the top of the list for the 2016 games. I think that is a very smart move by Obama. He is showing the support for an event that seems to exhibit the positive aspects of the world. In addition he is trying to bring it to his home town. Not many people think of the Olympics as a costly event that drains a city in the long run. Therefore, I believe that Obama will be praised for showing his support for his home town. This ties in to the idea that presidents hold a sentimental value with their own areas. They tend to support the people that have supported them for so long. Obama has nothing to lose by pushing the Olympics onto Chicago. By supporting this idea he shows he is looking out for America, trying to engage in more foreign affairs, and bringing a huge event to the people of America. In addition once the financial burden hits the city he will no longer be in office. By pushing the olympics there is nothing but positive ideas that surround this decision. In saying that I dont think it is the smartest move for Chicago, but it is the smartest move for his image.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mass Media Effects

As stated in the book, by 2004, over 50 million people had myspace accounts, which was a popular way to blog during the 2004 election. Since the 2004 elections, a similar website to myspace, known as facebook has been created. In the most recent Presidential election, facebook became a popular way for voters to get their voice heard about the candidates. Facebook has over 300 million active users world-wide and has become an important, influencial form of communication over the past few years. On facebook, there is a tool that allows anyone with an active account to create a group (public or private) and invite as many friends as they wish. If the group is public, then the friends can invite their friends, and so on. Facebook groups became one popular way to get voices heard about candidates and their issues. When these names are typed in the search box, the following number shows the results for groups including those candidates:
  • Obama: 1,400+
  • McCain: 367
  • Biden: 65
  • Palin: 164

Since it is a couple of years after the election, there is a possibility that some groups have been added or deleted about these candidates. These groups have anywhere from 1 to many thousand members per group.

There is also a chance for people to create fan pages for celebrities, politicians, and athletes. There is one for Obama that is called "Barack Obama (One Million Strong for Barack)" This group includes 1,062,818 members and makes it possible for members to share photos, related web-sites and a discussion board. As talked about in class, Obama was able to successfully get college students involved in his campaign and allow them to learn more information at their convenience, such as the numerous technology-based media sources used. Although the campaign is over, group members are still adding photos and information about Obama and his success while in the Whitehouse. This tool will be important througout his term in the Whitehouse and while running for reelection.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

President Obama on Iran Nuclear programme

During the last elections in the United States, president Barrack Obama's critics were skeptical of his foreign policy credentials. Were they right? Not quite. Judging from the unfolding events on Iran's nuclear weapon programme, it seems reasonable to argue that indeed president Obama is not as ignorant on forein policies as his critics thought. The president may have known a couple years ago that Iran is purssuing a nuclear programme, but he decided to go slow on two accounts: he wanted to use both local and international intelligence to confirm and be absolutely sure of the allegations before he takes any step. Indeed time has confirmed that his reasoning has born fruit. Like he said yesterday during his speech to world leaders, the American, French, and the British intelligence has been involved to confirm that indeed Iran is going the nuclear weapons way, against the international law. Secondly, the president's way of handling the Iran issue is not only good for his adminstration but also for America as a whole. It removes pressure on the United States to purssue Iran single handedly. Indeed it is now clear that he has managed to convince Russia to join the U.S and like minded states to stop Iran from purssuing nuclear proliferation. Even though president Obama has not taken a decisive action against Iran yet, as he awaits to meet the Iranian delegation on October 1,2009 for what seems to be the last diplomatic chance, the president can be sure that whatever action his administration takes against Iran world leaders are behind him. Since Russia has already expressed support, China is the only remaining big voice in this matter, and it is unlikely that China will isolate herself because it will be a bad image portrayal on her part as a state. President Obama is using incumbent strategy to prove that indeed he is capable to keep America and the whole world safe. It is very important that whatever action the president takes against Iran sails through because it will determine peace and stability in the Middle East. That is why it is good for him that he decided to seek world support first before taking any action against Iran. Again even though the game is not over yet, but upto now I have to say well done Mr. president! I think you are in the right lane, but you have to keep running or else you will be run over.

Monday, September 21, 2009

You lie

The president is a powerful man that deserves respect regardless of your beliefs. It is a common ideology that when he makes his way to Capitol Hill to adress congress he is treated with the outmost respect. Recently a little known republican lawmaker from South Carolina voiced his opinion about Obamas plans for the future by yelling "you lie" during his speech. Not surprisingly this drew a ton of attention and questions. It is obvious that our country is economically struggling, and many people are skeptical about the presidents spending. Joe Wilson of South Carolina made his voice heard by interrupting the president. Soon after the speech Joe Wilson was the talk of D.C. Many people believe that what he did was wrong and Joe Wilson should pay the price. In my opinion nothing more should be done. I believe that Joe Wilson has already hurt his credibility and has made a bad name for himself. Like we have disscused in class he has not showed his ability to be a steady standfast politician. I beleive that people will lose trust in him as a congressman becasue he does not prove the ability to handle things in a "politically correct manner." Many times voters want a representative who shows the simple attributes that make them a great leader.I believe that Wilson made himself look stupid and childish with his remarks. This will only hurt hi in the eyes of the voters when it comes to his next election. There is already an outcry because of his childish actions. It is also obvious that Wilson has realized the problems he has caused. Immediately after the speech he expressed his apologise.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tom Delay on Dancing with the Stars

In this news report, we see that former House Majority Leader Tom Delay is going to be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Delay has kind of fallen off the map after being linked to the Jack Abramoff political scandal a couple of years ago. After laying low for a while, I wonder if this is meant to be a forerunner to a return to politics for him—perhaps as a Congressperson or maybe even as a potential 2012 candidate for president. As such, it would fit into the surfacing stage of campaigning. In addition to simply giving Delay exposure, being on the show might help to make Delay seem more relatable and, thus, serve the function of demonstrating fitness for office. Our textbook indicates charisma as something people desire in a presidential candidate. That’s certainly something he might be able to show by being on this program. Our textbook also indicates humor as a quality people desire in a presidential candidate. Being on Dancing with the Stars potentially shows a lighter side of Delay that would connect him with humor. In the process, especially if he lasts more than one episode, people might learn a little bit about Delay as a person, which would thus allow this to perform another function of the surfacing stage. Along with that, it could serve the function of developing voter expectations of the candidate’s style, as we might get a sense of his interpersonal style by how he dances, speaks, and acts on the show.