Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Not Just the Candidates Advertise

In chapter 10, we learn how there are several types of media in which a candidate can advertise to voters about their character, important issues and their campaign in general. However, during the past Presidental election, voters across America were shown that it is not just the candidates who advertise during the election season. There were 6th and 7th grade students who came up with a rap-debate, describing to American citizens the postitives and negatives of both Barack Obama and John McCain. The rap told people that it was a big election, and explained the two sides of the spectrum, including the words, "you can vote however you like." The rap was soon on youtube everywhere, and the students (who are unable to vote themselves) were interviewed on several news stations and soon known nation-wide. An advertisement like this is a catchy way to get people who are registered to vote and even educated a little bit about both candidates. Running mates and the main issues of both candidates is included in the song. The students were seen on Opera, CNN, ABC news, and other big news channels to show the importance of voting in the November 4, 2008 election. These students showed American citizens the importance of knowing who is running for office and the main issues of Presidental candidates, even when one is not old enough to vote.

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