Monday, September 21, 2009

You lie

The president is a powerful man that deserves respect regardless of your beliefs. It is a common ideology that when he makes his way to Capitol Hill to adress congress he is treated with the outmost respect. Recently a little known republican lawmaker from South Carolina voiced his opinion about Obamas plans for the future by yelling "you lie" during his speech. Not surprisingly this drew a ton of attention and questions. It is obvious that our country is economically struggling, and many people are skeptical about the presidents spending. Joe Wilson of South Carolina made his voice heard by interrupting the president. Soon after the speech Joe Wilson was the talk of D.C. Many people believe that what he did was wrong and Joe Wilson should pay the price. In my opinion nothing more should be done. I believe that Joe Wilson has already hurt his credibility and has made a bad name for himself. Like we have disscused in class he has not showed his ability to be a steady standfast politician. I beleive that people will lose trust in him as a congressman becasue he does not prove the ability to handle things in a "politically correct manner." Many times voters want a representative who shows the simple attributes that make them a great leader.I believe that Wilson made himself look stupid and childish with his remarks. This will only hurt hi in the eyes of the voters when it comes to his next election. There is already an outcry because of his childish actions. It is also obvious that Wilson has realized the problems he has caused. Immediately after the speech he expressed his apologise.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Joe Wilson's behavior to yell "You lie" to the president is innapropriate, and therefore, uncalled for. He is a big let down to the electorate bacause he showed that he cannot use his brains to handle matters democratically. If every Representative and Congressman resorts to behave like him on the house floor will anything go on? Furthermore, the house is the most supreme and revered place in the American history. I am sure that their are laws and procedurals that governs it. I don't think that Wilson's behavior is permmissible under the laws that governs the house. Joe Wlson is, and will remain a big shame to himself, to the people who elected him, and to Americans as a whole. He will go down in history as the first, and may be last person to disrespect the president on the floor of the house.
