Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama and Afghan

Once again there is a situation where the president is trying to walk the line between republicans and democrates. The president is expected to unveil his long awaited plan about the Afghan war. When he shows his plan it is expected that many people in his own party will object. It's speculated that Obama is going to increase the troops in Afghanistan. Something that many democrates are not happy about.

CNN's Ed Rollins said "Democrats have to be convinced. The president's party is certainly very divided on this issue. I think he'll have the Republican support he needs, but at the end of day, if this is not a bipartisan effort, long-term, they won't get the resources and the funding to make it work," he said.

House speaker Nancy Pelosi cautioned last week, "The cost of the war has been a sticking point for Democrats. , "There is serious unrest in our caucus about, 'Can we afford this war?' "

I think it is interesting to hear both sides. For months republicans have ripped the president and his decisions but now they are staying quiet. On the other hand democrates that approved the billion dollar stimulus packages think the war will cost to "much." It is funny to look at the two parties push their agendas depending on their beliefs in the subject. They will spend billions of dollars on stimulus bills but fear the war would cost to much. Yet republicans sit quiet about the costs. President Obama certainly has a tough sell.

Public CollegeTackles Obesity Epidemic

The front page of today features an article about Lincoln University and their current graduation requirements. According to the article, all students at Lincoln University must have their BMI (Body Mass Index) calculated before they are allowed to graduate. Any students who fall in the range of obese on the BMI scale are required to take a fitness class that meets three times a week. Students that do not pass the class will not be permitted graduation. The school started this requirement three years ago and is now facing some heavy criticism. It is interesting to see a school stepping up and taking action in favor of good health practices. It is no secret that obesity is a growing problem worldwide, and especially in America. I think this policy seems like a good idea and step in the right direction in order to teach people good health habits to help them through the rest of their life. Those against the policy state that if anything, all students should be required to take the class. The schools rebuttal to this is that there simply are not enough resources for this to be possible for all students.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Walmart loses

After talking about the situation of the band Green Day's new cd "Breakdown" not being sold in Walmart retails around the country sends a strong political message to America. I Google'd the issues and found an MTV News article about the complications. The band Green Day has been around since the late 80's and broke into the mainstream in 1994 with their cd titled "Dookie". Since then, the band has had a strong passion for writing poltically influenced lyrics and suggested themes and they are keeping to their plans still. The largest retailer in the country, Walmart refuses to cell parental advisory CD's to music enthusiasts which usually isn't a problem for an artist because they are given the option to simply make a radio edit version of their album for sale. Even the most contriversial bands have edited their lyrics to be sold at Walmart such as; Nirvana, Eminem, ACDC , and other Rap artists. The impact is that Green Day is strongly against government regulations much like these and they plan to continue to take a stand against them. Green Day is very political including their last cd "American Idiot" which targeted political views and American's stereo types of politics. "Wal-Mart has become the biggest retail outfit in the country, but they won't carry our record because they wanted us to censor it," the article quotes frontman Billie Joe Armstrong as saying. "They want artists to censor their records in order to be carried there ... we just said, 'No.' We've never done it before. You feel like you're in 1953 or something." Good for Green Day sticking to their words and continuing to be political because music has the potential to influence mass audience effectivly. The problem I can see with their decision is the lack of record sales that are already affected by the MP3 downloading sites. As of May 21st, 2009 Green Day had the #1 album in the country no thanks to Walmart, but I wonder if their overall record sales would have been greater if the power house Walmart made their album vastly available? Im glad Green Day keeps their repuation and image of being anti government and hopefully they can make profits without changing their music.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Health care reform-ugly heads sticking out

Health care reform bill is in top gear. But the drivers need to be warned; there are big bumps a head, or what I would call ugly heads sticking out. Among the contentious issues in the bill it the public option aspect. Although initially a section of Americans were against the government's interference with there health care plan choice, current research shows that between 57 to 76 Americans would rather go for a public option. See
This leads to another thorny issue which is none but the cost.
As much as majority of Americans seem to lean towards a health care reform bill that includes the public option, the question of who will pay for the cost scares them to death. Some Americans argue that the bill may put the cost on both individuals as well employers. Others argue that the bill will raise taxes. Whatever the case, the cost aspect of the bill is without doubt a hot debate. The bad economic situation especially makes Americans to be even more concerned of how they are to meet the cost of the public health care plan. See
Still, the other controversial issue that stands out in the bill is abortion. Pro-life Americans have stood their ground that they will not support a health care bill that covers abortion. Will the abortion aspect sink the bill, or will there be some tough choices to be made in order to give Americans the health care bill that includes the public option? See
How does this relte to political campaign communication? If the health care reform debate was a political campaign, the aforementioned issues could be the campaign issues.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Image and politics-Sarah Palin's nightmare

Image counts, especially when it comes to politics. When you talk about image, you also have to talk about dress, because the two are inseparable. President Barrack Obama knows that dress as an artifact does magic in shaping a person's good image. That is why you could see him in very expensive designer suits during the 2008 presidential elections.
Does Sarah have the same knowledge that image, and dress/cloth for that matter counts when it comes to politics? Absolutelly. That is why the GOP was accussed of spending millions of dollars on her clothings and hair, an allegation that she rubbished.
But why for goodness sake didn't Newsweek margazine publishers realize that Sarah Parlin values her image, and went a head to publish a cover page image that send a negative signal to Parlin's political career? See Parlin's Newsweek cover page image on;
Newsweek used Parlin's image that portrayed her more as an athletee in relation to her political career. Parlin was quick to see the controversy and fired salvos at Newsweek by terming the incidence as "unfortunate and sexist. She claimed that the image leaned more on health and fitness than politics.
I understand Parlin's frustration, but not in entirety. I would suggest that instead of solely focusing on the negative aspect of the image, she should try to tilt her focus towards the positive aspects of the image. What if Newsweek argued that they wanted to portray her as athletic, competive, and tough for that matter, characteristics that are mostly associated with politics? As a matter of fact, the cover page image portrays her as health and fit, qualities that resonates well with politics because as we all know, no electorate will want to vote for unhealthy and unfit candidate.
Before Sarah Parlin makes a big deal out of her Newsweek cover page image, let her first of all visit Barrack Obama's The Washngtonian cover page image on;

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah palin and the media

Ever since the presidential campaighns there has been alot of discussion about Sarah Palin. Everywhere you turn people are talking about her credentials, family, and the overall divide between Americans when it comes to her reputation. Just recently Sarah palin was on the cover of Newsweek. The cover seems to look out of place and stereotypical. Sarah Palin went as far as saying the cover is "sexiest". I am not neccasarily a Sarah Palin supporter but I do think the media takes a ton of cheap shots at her. Just by observing the way the mass media cover Sarahs stories it is evident that she held to a different, almost comical standard. Overall, I don't think the treatment is fair at all. Some of the issues she brings upon herself with poor speaking performances but overall the media has a feeding frenzy with her. I cannot remember the last politician that was attacked this heavily and comical for so long. Palin has done alot of things for politics and I think alot of people are blinded by her "style". Plain does not look or act like a typical politician therefore it is easy to focus on her as a person. I don't mind the media attacking politicians but in my opinion Sarah Plain is held to a much higher standard. A standard that I don't think is neccassarily fair. If some of the more popular politicians like Obama or Mccain were attacked like she is there would be an uproar from various supporters.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good thing the election is far-over

Sarah Palin. A name that if any American doesn't know means they must have been hiding under a rock for the past year and a half or so. Small town mayor, Alaska's governor, Vice-President nominee and now author. Palin's book, "Going Rogue" has caused many conflicts between numerous people with whom she worked with for several months during the election season. According to Nicolle Wallace, McCain's campaign senior advisor, the book is "based on fabrications." She is not the only person from the campaign speaking out against the book, saying that it is fiction and it is all a part of Palin's imagination.

As talked about in class, it is important for a party to be able to show that they are one, they are united. After primaries are over during a Presidential election, the party becomes one again and campaign with each other instead of against each other. McCain chose Alaska's governor, Sarah Palin as his running mate during last years election, and though there are many conflicts between the people who were involved in the campaign and Palin herself, you would have never known that one year ago. It is important for a party to get along while in the public eye, even if things go wrong behind the scenes. Although it now seems that there were many problems between McCain's choice in running mate and his campaigns staff, it would not have helped his numbers to show the tension during the race.

Whether one believe that Palin is telling the story how it happened, or using much of her imagination to help sell the book is up to each reader. But no matter the case, I don't think that McCain and his staff will be working very closely with Palin anytime soon.

Americans aren't the only ones with scandles

During class on Monday, we talked about politicians making unethical actions, including taking bribes and sex scandles. When scandles are first discovered, it does not take long for the whole state, country or even world to find out about them. The newest scandle in the news right now has to do with the Afghan minister of mines, Adel, accepting a $30 million bribe. If rumors about this are true, this action "would mark one of the msot brazen examples of corruption yet."

President Obama and his administration has been working with Afghanistan, trying to re-shape their government for the better. There have been many doubts about Afghan President Karzai being a reliable partner to the United States. This huge corruption movement only adds doubt to Karzai's control and ability to sucessfully run the country. Karzai is soon to start his next term in office and he is being watched and pressured internationally to fix his cabinet to get away from the constant scandles that are coming up throughout the Afghan government.

The scandle Afghan is facing right now is with a Chinese firm, known as MCC. A $2.9 million project was at stake and instead of giving other firms around the world a fair chance to fight for the project, it was given directly to the Chinese firm. Adel is in the step of denial for his actions, claiming that he did not receive any bribes and said, "all the time I'm following the law and the legislation for the benefit of the people." As talked about in class, denial is often used at first when the scandle is discovered. If the rumors come out to being true, Adel will have to work on an apologia speech to deliver to his people and everyone else around the world who was affected by his corruption.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ron Paul Loves WEED!

Well not really, but I'm sure everyone has heard about Ron Paul's policies on "the war on drugs" or even that he may strive to make marijuana legal in the United States. Well I went to his website and researched just exactly what his policy was on drugs and honestly it's a load of crap. Ok so he explains that America's War on Drugs is worthless because it is costly and ineffective, fair enough funding the law enforcement agengies that strictly handle drugs can be expensive. And the fact that they are ineffective may be true due to all the drugs that are easily available on the streets. Either way, I am not sure politian should admit such things because it makes him look like he's in support of eliminating anti drug laws. "But if you question policy, you are accused of being pro-drug.", he even says it himself under this section of his website and he's right! His proposition for the war on drugs is and I quote "through local laws, communities, churches, and families — to combat the very serious problem of drug abuse than a massive federal-government bureaucracy.”. Lets be honest here, most commmunities or suburbs do not have raging drug problems, it's the big cities with high crime rates that have the drug problems so I doubt churches and families would have any impact on the war on drugs in America. I do not agree or disagree with either policy I just find humor in his views. I wish he would just come out and say he smokes pot or occasionally pops a Vicodin when he's bored because either way other candidates will look at him and attack him in this manner. I don't think the war on drugs will ever be a winable situation therefor a candidate running for president should emphasize on it's issues.

Let's talk about NY-23

New York's 23rd Congressional district was the subject of much national discourse this month, as Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and other prominent Republicans backed a third-party candidate, Doug Hoffman, over moderate Republican Dede Scozzafava. Scozzafava ended up dropping out of the race and backing the Democratic candidate, Bill Owens. Owens would go on to win, finishing slightly ahead of Hoffman.

What makes this particularly signifigant is that this may be a precursor to how the 2012 Republican primary will shape up. Essentially, what we might be looking at is the rise of a third party fueled by the far-right's frustration with the Republican party.

What this means for 2010 and 2012 is that if a third-party cannibalizes the Republican party, then there may be more incidents like NY-23, which is now represented by a Democrat, not having been so in over a hundred years. If this third-party movement gains any more traction, then the Republicans may be forced to adapt their party platform or face losing many of their positions in the years to come.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Following the promise-The narrow path to Health care reform realization

Trent and Friedenberg 2008 argue that political campaigns not only makes political leaders to make face to face promises to the electorate but also holds the leaders accountable for the promises made. Are all promises made during political campaigns honored?
If there is any promise that has characterized the American politics for almost a century, it is the health care promise. Yes, health care. Just mentioning it causes shivers down politician's spines. It has made even the most eloquent and charismatic politicians to helplesslly stare in the air. It has made youthful, energetic politicians in the oval office to grow old within a week of their service. It has caused nightmares to both American politicians and the general public.
President Obama, like his fore leaders, promised Americans the health care plan that includes the public option. At this moment as I write, I can confirm and affirm that if there is any American president that has come so close to making health care promise a reality, he is president Obama. On November 07, 2009, the House of Representatives passed the health care reform bill that includes the public option. Watch House speaker Nancy Pelosi announce the passage of the bill on;
Even though the bill has not gone through the Senate yet, it seems likely that if the language in the bill is worked on, the bill that has been a nightmare to many Americans for almost a century will finally become a reality. Among the contentious issues in the bill is abortion. Many Americans are oppossed to a health care bill that covers abortion. However, quite a number of Americans are focused on "the public option" aspect of the bill as its major strength.
Shall president Obama write another page of history, on top of being the first minority president, by making health care reform bill a reality? Time shall tell.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Palin Writes a Book.............

Sarah Palin writes a book. The moment we have all been waiting for. Who doesn’t want to read about like as a hockey mom or riding a moose to work. Okay fine I admit I am being a little cynical, but really what makes her think she has the right to write a book? If nothing else Sarah Palin has a great publicity team. She came out of nowhere in 2008 to run as the Vice Presidential candidate for a very popular candidate. Whatever you believe as the reason she was in the race at all, getting the Hillary voters, or what have you, it doesn’t matter now. She is making a name for herself anyway she can, usually in the headlines for some seemingly odd stunt. Sarah Palin’s book tour has been set for the fall and winter season. Some odd stops are on the list too. She seems to be missing a lot of major cities that most book tours would fall to for a successful book tour. Thought perhaps she is trying to mend some broken fences with stops in Iowa as one previous poster had mentioned she may have upset a few people with her outrageous speaking fee.

Obama's Announcement Speech & Rhetorical Situations

In class yesterday, we continued our discussion on "rhetorical situation" and political speeches. I went on youtube and found a video of one of President Obama's speech highlights. It didn't say what speech it was, I am assuming it was an announcement speech of running for the candidacy. Before diving into the components of his speech, I have to first say that Obama is an amazing speaker. The entire time he is calm, and comfortable speaking to the people. If there wasn't a podium in front of him, he could have as well been speaking at the dinner table with his friends and family.

In reference to his outstanding public speaking, combined with the elements of exigence, audience and constraints, works in Obama's favor of delivering a good speech.

In the video clips, Obama speaks about hope for the future in America. He acknowledges that there are problems that need to be dealt with, awhile ensuring that the audience knows that he will take care of them. He indirectly supports his exigence by implying that he will do a better job than the previous president, and that he is the best person for it.

Obama does a good job addressing the audience. He speaks in a way that appeals to almost everyone. He elaborates on the basics of what America stands for (that nobody form any party can argue against) and stresses bringing back county unity.

He deals with his constraints well because like we discussed in class, he is generally vague. He attempts to gain the support of everyone, and I believe he was successful in getting attention from a lot of people.

Even if you are democrat, republican, independent, or whatever, I think the consensus would be that Obama delivered this speech in an effective manner.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Historical significance of elections

In political campaign communication class I learned that elections serves various functions. Among them is legitigimizing leaders to govern. But most importantly, we must realize that election campaigns have symbolic funcions too. They add to our memory of the electoral process and thus give proof that the system is a good one. This in its sense leads to the historical component of the election campaigns. For instance, on November 4th, 2009 the American electoral clock read one year of president Obama's reign in office. On that day, the president gave a brief speech, which could be found on this link;
The president's speech touched on various issues, including when and where he began his presidential campaign. He also reminded Americans of his campaign them of "change." Furthemore, he acknowledged the role of Political Action Committees, like Organizing for America, which has been instrumental in the campaign for health care reforms. The president did not forget to acknowledge the efforts of Americans who volunteered their time and efforts to campaign for him either.
The video fulfills the historical component of election campaigns, in that it reminds Americans of the election year, the time and energy that they put into the election, and the promises that were made and needs to be fulfilled. This acts as a reinforcement to the electoral process, and therefore, makes Americans to guard there democracy jealously.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Voter backlash

With the recent elections two republicans gained a spot. Republicans win in New Jersey and Virginia mark a troubling turn for President Obama. With the recent backlash over the economy and the government taking a role in people's lives a backlash can be seen. Voter's have spoken and they are definently not happy with the way things are going.

"What this is tonight, this victory here tonight, is a warning shot, and it says to the moderate Democrats in the House that they ought to think twice about continuing to pursue the policies of this White House and (House Speaker) Nancy Pelosi," said Virginia Republican Rep. Eric Cantor.

Both sides are pushing these new votes strongly. Republicans are using it as a source of leverage over the Democrates and the democrates are trying to re-gather themselves. Tim Kaine democratic governor out of Virgina said "We have really had a run of wins and we got used to winning and that makes it tough, "We have to give credit where credit is due they ran a great campaign."

The recent changes can be alarming to democrates but it is still very early in Obamas term. Things could quickly shift back into their ballpark. When asked about the elections the White House brushed off the results by saying the president did not watch the elections and had no further comment. In all reality I am sure he was pushing for the victory.

Maybe these changes will spark some movement and changes. A little competition never hurt anyone and that might be exactly what D.C. needs to make progress. It is very interesting to look at how quickly a country can change their views and opinions. Who knows? In a few weeks the democrates could be on top of the world once again.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Obama's Approval

When Obama was running for president and even when he was elected people across the country were excited and eager to see what he would do in his first term. Now months into his election the excitment is slowing. It is common to see presidents lose approval as their term continuous. What is interesting about Obama's case is the fact that people were expecting him to have a longer "honeymoon" than usual. The reasons that his approval rating is falling are very evident. Many people don't see the economy recovering and others don't agree with the healthcare plans. Even on shows such as SNL they have cited the fact that the president has done "nothing" in office. Even though this is not true Obama hasn't done many of the things he promised early on. I believe that America is made up of people that have the "what have you done for me lately" mentality. We expect changes and results. The problem is the changes are slower than usual. I think he still needs time but it is interesting to see support for presidents fall so quickly. Not to long ago he could do no wrong. Like I said this is common for many presidetns. Once their initial pass into office slows down the support is harder to earn. It will be interesting to see if Obama can keep his approval up.