Thursday, October 29, 2009

$100,000? You betcha!

As the first year of Obama's presidency nears its close, it is interesting to look ahead slightly to the potential candidates for the Republican nomination for President in 2012. One potential figure in politics today is Sarah Palin, the former Vice-Presidential candidate and Governor of Alaska.

This link contains an analysis of some of the things that Sarah Palin has done since the end of the 2008 Presidential campaign. While she may have some prominence left over from that election, the actions she has taken since losing have seemingly weakened her stance as a potential Presidential nominee for 2012. For instance, resigning from the Governorship of Alaska does nothing but provide fodder for her critics to label her as a 'quitter'. Furthermore, her charging $100,000 for a speaking appearance in Iowa, a state which as we know can set the tone and momentum for an entire election, can severely hurt her prospects in that state which is accustomed to being catered to, rather than held up for money.

If Palin hopes to make a serious run at the Presidency in three years, she would do well to adapt her strategy now in order to appeal to voters, especially those such as in Iowa who can sink her aspirations before they have left the docks.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that just about everything Sarah Palin does is accompanied with some controversy behind it. I’m not sure if she is just plain stupid or if this is all part of some ingenious plan but I know it is entertaining. During the election she would be pulling crap to stir things up. Not the usual vice president candidate we expect, talking about being just a regular hockey mom, a statement few Americans could relate with. Now she is writing a book with the very title being one of her campaign stunts, “Going Rogue: an American way”.
