Monday, October 12, 2009

More troops

In this article it discusses the further developments on the situation in Afghanistan. Many senators are calling for Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan. In addition the lead military advisor Stanley Mccrhystal in Afghanistan has told the president that more troops are crucial to the success of the America in the war. Like many other controversial topics the debate about sending more troops is becoming hotter. Highly publicized political leaders like Senator McCain are urging the president to listen to his military advisors and send more troops. On the other hand powerful democrate Nancy Polaski, and vice president are pushing for less troops and more unmaned military missions. This is a common predicament for a president to be in. Both sides, democrat and republic have their beliefs about what is right. It is tough for the president to please both sides. Like we spoke about earlier in the class many presidents try to walk the line between both parties. Therefore, Obama needs to be careful about the decision that he makes. Even though Obama is a democrat their is extreme pressure from republicans such as McCain to add troops. In a situation like this its common for political parties to fued and fight. I think that Obama is smart by trying to walk the line between the parties but I also think he needs to be careful. Throughout Obama's campaign and presidency he's stressed the importance of both parties working together. Obama wanted to "end the politics of Washington." If Obama doesn't make a decision the debate will get hotter, more publicized, and both parties will be upset with each other. I think Obama needs to make a decision to stop the feuding and save face on the topic that he has stressed. A topic that calls for both parties to work together.

1 comment:

  1. The topic on sending more troops to Afghanistan is a scene to watch. It gives president Obama an opportunity to demonstrate his leadership skills. I agree with the author that the president needs to tread carefully so as not to rattle the feathers of either side of the major political parties; Democrats and Republicans. At the same time, the president needs to read the public mood; are majority Americans for more troops in Afghanistan, or are they against it. At the same time, this is the time for vice president Joe Biden to demonstrate that indeed he can rise to the occasion on foreign policy matters, because that is the major reason why he was put in the position in which he is right now. Just to remind presidend Obama, during his campaign he promised Americans that he is going to end the war in Iraq and refocuss his attention to Afghanistan, because Americans can't afford to lose in Afghanistan. I can't wait to see how the scenario unfolds. This is very interesting.
