Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ron Paul Loves WEED!

Well not really, but I'm sure everyone has heard about Ron Paul's policies on "the war on drugs" or even that he may strive to make marijuana legal in the United States. Well I went to his website and researched just exactly what his policy was on drugs and honestly it's a load of crap. Ok so he explains that America's War on Drugs is worthless because it is costly and ineffective, fair enough funding the law enforcement agengies that strictly handle drugs can be expensive. And the fact that they are ineffective may be true due to all the drugs that are easily available on the streets. Either way, I am not sure politian should admit such things because it makes him look like he's in support of eliminating anti drug laws. "But if you question policy, you are accused of being pro-drug.", he even says it himself under this section of his website and he's right! His proposition for the war on drugs is and I quote "through local laws, communities, churches, and families — to combat the very serious problem of drug abuse than a massive federal-government bureaucracy.”. Lets be honest here, most commmunities or suburbs do not have raging drug problems, it's the big cities with high crime rates that have the drug problems so I doubt churches and families would have any impact on the war on drugs in America. I do not agree or disagree with either policy I just find humor in his views. I wish he would just come out and say he smokes pot or occasionally pops a Vicodin when he's bored because either way other candidates will look at him and attack him in this manner. I don't think the war on drugs will ever be a winable situation therefor a candidate running for president should emphasize on it's issues.


  1. and at the very end i ment shouldnt emphasize on its issues!!!

  2. I agree with your statement here. As we talked about in class, the views one has on issues is very important when running for a national position. Issues such as legalizing marijuana and legalizing the drinking age are two things that are very debatable in this country, mostly for the safety of its citizens. These are two issues that might not be as important to someone voting for a person as, lets say abortion, but it will more likely affect a campaign in a negative way to argue the dase that such drugs should be legal for US citizens than it would benefit the candidate. As Lance said, he should just come out with the more direct message and say that he wants it legal, not because it's a waste of money and does little for the country, but because he smokes pot every once in a while.

  3. I think that Ron Paul's approach on the war on drugs is the reason that he has some support but also a main reason why he can't gain more support. Americans are divided when it comes to drugs. The safe political stance on marijuana would be to say it needs to be illegal. Since Ron Paul feels differerntly many people wont give him a chance to earn there support. Sometimes it is smarter to stay straight and follow the status quo. Many republicans and especially conservatives wont even listen to Ron paul. This issue helps him gain support but overall turns people away

  4. You make an interesting point about the war on drugs and how it works in the suburbs. Like you said, clearly the burbs are not the main areas that need to be focused on when declaring a war on drugs. If little Timmy smokes a fatty after school and then plays call of duty for three hours we probably aren’t looking at a major sting operation on his basement. Yet most of the people we hear from about drugs are bored suburban parents and college prep school administrators that, in my opinion, just want an issue to attach themselves too. I’m not a weed smoker myself but maybe these parents should bond with their kids over a bong and chill out.
