Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Palin Writes a Book.............

Sarah Palin writes a book. The moment we have all been waiting for. Who doesn’t want to read about like as a hockey mom or riding a moose to work. Okay fine I admit I am being a little cynical, but really what makes her think she has the right to write a book? If nothing else Sarah Palin has a great publicity team. She came out of nowhere in 2008 to run as the Vice Presidential candidate for a very popular candidate. Whatever you believe as the reason she was in the race at all, getting the Hillary voters, or what have you, it doesn’t matter now. She is making a name for herself anyway she can, usually in the headlines for some seemingly odd stunt. Sarah Palin’s book tour has been set for the fall and winter season. Some odd stops are on the list too. She seems to be missing a lot of major cities that most book tours would fall to for a successful book tour. Thought perhaps she is trying to mend some broken fences with stops in Iowa as one previous poster had mentioned she may have upset a few people with her outrageous speaking fee.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting post. Yes, I agree that Sarah Parlin made a name during the previous election. What I don't know is if the name that she made was a good one.
    History confirms that most American politicians who tried their first shot for the oval office and failled never made a come back. The list includes among others the Democratic presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, 1984, vice president Joe Biden who twice unsuccessfully tried to secure Democratic presidential nomination, 1988 and 2008, and the 2004 Democratic Party presidential nominee, Senator John Kerry.
    I understand that Sarah Parlin's supporters are seeing her book thing as a surfacing stage for 2012 presidential elections. Whether their wish shall come true I don't know. I am just not convinced that she can make a good president, but I am not ruling her out. It is upon Americans to decide. It is a free country you know.
    By the way talking about her book, I understand that her interview with Oprah Winfrey was a minus.

  3. The really amusing thing about Sarah Palin's literary ambitions is that the book isn't even released yet and it's already been exposed as a series of lies.

    I am not certain if Palin is actually interested at this point in holding public office again, she right now seems to be more interested in promoting her own self-interests. The 2012 Republican primaries are going to be extremely interesting.

  4. I read an article earlier today and posted it on here, not realizing there was something about Palin & her book. But, as you said Palin has made a name for herself, but at the same time, if I were her, I would rather not have a name then be known for the comments and things that are associated with her. Yes, she had a chance at being Vice President of the US, but she isn't. In the NYT article about Palin and her book, a poll shows that 7 in 10 Americans think that Palin is not qualified to be President. This goes to show that if she wants a position with the Whitehouse in 2012, she has a better chance of working for the President rather than with the President.
