Monday, October 25, 2010

California Governor Campaign Ad, Nothing New But a Practice That Works

While looking at my Google news feed I came across a story I felt was especially worthy of a blog entry as it is all about the governor election race out in California and a specific ad that was recently ran. In this Jerry Brown advertisement, it shows footage of Meg Whitman saying in a previous interview how great California was and the opportunities in the state thirty years ago when she moved to the state, it then shows that Jerry Brown was the governor at the time and what he has accomplished during his time as governor and as a statesman. This ad is a shot at the Whitman campaign because it uses her own words against her and truly capitalize off the statement at the end of the commercial, when Meg says, “I mean it’s why I came to California.” This statement along with her praise of the way California was at the time of Jerry Brown’s governor term thirty years previous, really speaks highly of what Brown was able to accomplish and has truly hurt her campaign along with series of other advertisements and allegations regarding her hiring of an illegal immigrant. These ads’s really seemed to have a similar look to those of other campaigns we looked at in class, and while it does not clearly attack Whitman it definitely offers the audience a message that will be hard to combat for Meg Whitman’s team. The article mentions that Brown has a 52% leading up to elections currently and ads similar to these will definitely help him keep that lead for Election Day.


  1. What I found most interesting about Dan's blog post was his emphasis on the importance of advertising and the large effects it may have on the outcome of a campaign. In our political communication course we have learned throughout the semester that media coverage impacts how a candidate is viewed by the public. News reports, commmericials, and other methods of political communication may easily sway how the audience will vote on election day. Also, attacks on opposing candidates, such as the ones we explored in class are very powerful for the campaign. Overall, I felt that this article was very useful in comparison to what we've learned in class.

  2. This is definitely a theme that we see over and over again that political candidates use to either help their own campaign ambitions or hurt the viability of their opponent. Obviously you can see that she isn’t young and that 30 years prior she came to California and it was a great place, what she doesn’t understand is that by giving props to Brown she is saying that she liked and not only enjoyed his leadership but came to California for that type of leadership. I also think that her people tht she had in charge of her campaign should have seen what she was saying in her candidate commercial and foreseen the negative spin that Brown’s people used to make her look like she was confused about the facts and, in turn do we want a person in office that doesn’t know enough about political office to know that her opponent was in charge at these times that she enjoyed in California.
