Monday, October 18, 2010

WWE Getting In the Connecticut Political Ring

The article entitled, WWE responds to criticism in Conn's political ring” by Pat Eaton-Robb, seemed to be a perfect example of media and entertainment effecting politics and where we are at now-a-days in accepting such. I thought this article only seemed appropriate after reading chapter six and seeing how Jesse Ventura used some of his WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment, fame, coverage, and other variables to win his governor seat. This situation is involving the WWE founder’s wife, Linda McMahon, senate race in the state of Connecticut. In this article it talks mostly about WWE’s response to comments and allegations that have been made against Linda and her husband in the way they run and have operated the WWE. Many questions focusing around the hyped up sexual image of female wrestlers and around the steroid testing, or lack thereof, in the league; none of which are focused on the Senate race at hand. Since the WWE has a niche market that would be considered my most as a “cult following” this coverage and WWE’s marketing response to this coverage may give Linda the voters and the coverage to win this election. Media and entertainment play a big role in this political situation, by taking an entertainment event and using its media strangle hold in promoting a candidate from within its system. I think it is an interesting move seeing how WWE is asking fan’s to change facebook status’ and to spread the word about the allegations being made against the so happened to be the victim, Senator candidate, and WWE founder’s wife; Linda McMahon. I look forward to seeing how this election goes, and end all be all if these publicity tactics pay off.

1 comment:

  1. When I was looking into what I would do for the first blog post I found it in an interesting place a Jesuit Facebook Fan Page. Millenials and Consumerism was an article found on Fast Company discussed how to the generation known as Millennials (1980-1995) are so impacted by different brands that they use them to define themselves more than their own religion. This is a demonstration on how consumerism is growing to be more prevalent in our society to the point where different brands are impacting people so much that political campaigns are focusing on them to impact their decisions. By the fact the our generation focuses so much on the brands that they wear or products that they use because we have been so impacted by advertisements much more than other generations before us. This use of advertisements and the relationship between them and the impact that they have on our generation is such that companies are able to put political messages into their advertising which can impact our decisions much more than the religions that many of us belong to because we relate more to them. In our consumer based society it isn’t surprising that we as consumers relate more to brands than anything else because we are always obsessed with getting the best of the best and we know what stores are for what social class and it appears what religious group.
