Friday, December 11, 2009
Uganda Be Kiddin' Me
How this relates to the subjects in the class is that sometimes, some politicians have no aims beyond keeping themselves in office, and have no intention of representing the people they are elected to represent.
Also, it shows that often there are deep, deep connections among politicians that can have further reaching influence than merely domestic issues.
Biden campaigns for Dodd
Will Biden's support be enough to get Dodd re-elected? We'll find out in 2010 but I have a feeling, if it does work, we'll be seeing a lot more of Biden stumping rather than Obama himself. I guess you can't win them all.
Audit the Federal Reserve?
I feel like in these tough times, and with so much bailout money going in various directions and sometimes underaccounted for, more transparency cannot be a bad thing. Incidentally, the more wall street executives are against something, the better it sounds just by default.
It will be interesting to see if this amendment survives the Senate or not.
What happens to political losers?
So I guess the saying "Don't quit your day job" applies to politicians as well. Hint, hint Lou Dobbs and Sarah Palin...
Obama & Nobel Prize
Tiger & His Image
Jolie fights for Sudanese
I do agree with the argument that everything can be seen as political but for the non rhetorical scholars thinkers, I do believe that a public figure can retain some form of privacy as long as they avoid injecting themselves into political/social issues.
Is this necessary?
Where have all the role models gone?
Playoff PAC
Congress in College Football
Obama looks toward main street
Modern Media
Down but not out
A veteran goes on record for stealing Hitler's book
Piston's act brings out the idea of image. As we know, image and politics go hand in hand. A good politician should make his/her image to look good. But image does not only count in politics but also in other areas of life. Most people will agree with me that the U.S Army has tried the best it could to create an image that it is the most professional and ethical force in the world. But the idea of a veteran "stealing " Hitler's book challenges the good image that the U.S Army tries so hard to create :)
Obama for Peace?
Bring Back Bush?!!
But I think that this sort of statistic doesn't necessarily mean anything, as it more than likely literally acts as an expression of dissatisfaction with Obama, and not necessarily a wistful look back at Bush's legacy.
Mad Man McCain
Republicans Vs. Democrats...Ding ding ding
Possible Strategy for the Lou Dobbs Campaign
The most interesting portion to me is found in the website name. Apparently they are already playing off of the reluctant candidate platform that Fred Thompson ran on in 2008. Assuming that Dobbs is going to run in 2012, does this platform play better for him than it did for Fred Thompson? Dobbs can argue he had to leave his show when he saw the need and request from voters for him to do something about the issues at hand. He can also show that he actually does care about the issues and running which was a problem that Thompson had during the primaries when he was labeled as not actually caring enough to be an effective President. An interesting look at the possible start of a campaign and a possible glimpse into the future.
Symbolic Strategies
Rushing Miss America into Politics
The Need for Tiger to Speak
The article compares the Tiger Wood's incident to the 2003 Kobe Bryant infidelity incident. Kobe is today seen in a positive light with the issue almost completely ignored and behind him, but Tiger isn't taking the same route that Kobe did. Kobe was straight forward and held a press conference to answer the exigence that existed at that time. By meeting the exigence head on, Kobe was able to get through the incident (albeit not quickly) and get to where he is today in the public's eye. Will Tiger have this issue put behind him as well? I can't imagine it will be unless he meets the exigence head on and speaks out to save his public image.
Jenny Sanford Files for Divorce
Personally I applaud the choice by Jenny Sanford and can't imagine why other politician wives have not done the same during scandals.
The Economy Is Falling, We Must Inform The President
Condolences For Our Fallen Soldiers
Coincidently, I read this article after having gone to see the movie “Brothers” last night. I won’t say anything about the movie that you can’t see in the trailer. The movie features a U.S. Marine that has sustained substantial mental damage due to his tour in Afghanistan. This relates to the news article as this damage is in direct relation to the war in which Chancellor Keesling took his own life, and the blood is in part, on U.S. government hands. To think that our president would not offer so much as a simple, “I’m sorry for your loss” to his family is gut-wrenchingly cold-hearted. Thankfully, we learn in this story that the President has taken notice of the policy and intends to change it.
Obama's Approval Drops Below 50%
While the theme definitely aided in getting Obama elected, it may prove to backfire when it comes time for the 2012 election. Granted we are barely near a year into the Obama administration and it can be argued that it is not enough time to solve the problems that the administration faces, but this doesn't mean the voting population will give me the benefit of doubt. The health care talks have met a brick wall, the economy is responding slowly, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq aren't scheduled to possibly end until very near the election cycle (and that is IF they find a solution). If Obama doesn't actually change anything by the time the election cycle creeps up, it is likely his original (and very successful) campaign theme will become a rallying cry for the opposition.
Republican Purity Test
As elections go, the independent vote becomes a ever increasing voting population that campaigns must try to secure. By "purifying" the party to contain only conservatives, the party is effectively restricting their party votes and making the independent vote even more important (for republicans that is). The democrats don't seem to be limiting their candidates political leanings and will continue to enjoy their party votes without dwindling them. A bad move, in my opinion, from the republican party and something that will likely cause more trouble than good for the party.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Golden Boy
Um, did they just accidentally defund the entire military industry?
Over the Anti-Acorn fervor sweeping the nation after a few people got rolled by a cartoon pimp, evidently, Republican legislators were quick to draw up a bill that would withdraw federal funding from "any organization" that has been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws, campaign finance laws or filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency. The bill passed with strong bipartisan support, without either party realizing that the broad language of this bill could, in essence, kill the entire military industrial complex, as several of the top manufacturers of military equipment have several charges of fraud among them.
This incident details the importance of having more detailed language in legislation. If this law is found to be constitutional, then in their witchhunt of ACORN the Republicans may have found another comically inept way of botching things.
Planting the seeds for Astroturf in Farmville
Recently, there has appeared as an option a survey for Farmville users to fill out in regards to opposing health care reform, which upon completion sends a form letter to the user's congressional representative stating their opposition to said reform. The user then recieves their Farmville dollars and can go back to picking their strawberries. The implications of this sort of behavior are somewhat troubling. Basically, it generates a sense of false concern by essentially spamming the mailboxes of representatives with misleading letters, making any kind of anti-health care movement seem far larger than it is.
Despite what anyone's view on the health care debate is, this practice is clearly as unethical as if they were being paid real currency to sign their name to a form letter to their Congressperson. Such practices are reprehensible due to the fact that they obfuscate how people genuinely feel, and only hurt the process by furthering the agenda of a well-connected, well-funded group such as the people behind this Farmville exploitation.
Don't Believe in God? Don't Run for Office!
Cecil Bothwell is an atheist who is attempting to run for City Council. Opponents are citing the constitution for rational that he should not be seated due to his religious stance. The state constitution is in direct opposition of the US constitution stating that no religious test may be administered as a qualification for office. While we still keep references to God in many visible parts of our government, the refusal to seat a candidate on the basis they may or may not acknowledge the existence of God is ridiculous.
"Fitness for Office"
Republicans Battle Each Other in New York
If there is anything to draw from this it would have to be that money isn't the only thing that is needed as a candidate; you also need the support of a political party in order to run. Without the support from her party, Scozzafava saw no way that running would end up in her favor and dropped out. Of course the republican party was quick to spin the news as a way to secure a win for the party, but it is hard to ignore the details and the action by the party to choosing not to support a candidate from their own party.
Can Obama earn his Nobel?
The only thing that comes to mind, for me, is what did we elect Obama for? It certainly wasn't to win a Nobel so why can't we get past his award? We can't agree on a health care package, regulate wall street, or agree on what to do in the wars in Irag and Afghanistan so it only makes sense to not agree on the Nobel committee decision as well. Obama is clearly not afraid to fill his Presidency with big issues immediately after taking office and now he gets to deal with earning his Nobel. At least in 2012 it'll make for a great political ad.
Cnn's Lou Dobbs 2012
Leaving your current job in speculation of a 2012 run is not new as Sarah Palin demonstrated earlier this year. But is this really the way to "kick off" a possible run? Part of running for office is your ability to demonstrate that you are actually fit and qualified for the position. Leaving your job doesn't seem like a good way to go about showing your qualifications. Seeing as I can't predict the future, there is no guarantee that Dobbs will run at all in 2012. However, if he does decide to "throw his hat in" he will likely have to battle against his qualification of leaving a previous job, years prior, in order for a possible run. At least Dobbs will have a few years of buffer time on hand for the voting public to hopefully forget it and make it a non-issue.
Europeans Show Some Love For Obama
There is no doubt that hope and optimism for the future were at an all-time high when Obama was elected president. Countries in Europe actually felt the same way as they celebrated the new president as much as we did. Though as the article explains much of this celebration was more in response to Bush leaving office than Obama taking it but Europeans were still hopeful for what Obama could do. As the American public has started to show its first doubts, as far as public opinions polls are concerned, one reporter set out to see how Obama’s rep was holding up in Europe. Turns out he is still a big hit. One of the things that Europeans liked most about Obama was his tendency to talk out negotiations rather than acting out. Though some Europeans are becoming fearful as Obama calls for more troops to fight the war, the majority of Europeans remain hopeful for what is still to come. England specifically has been a long standing ally of the U.S. and I think it is important to keep up relations with them and other European countries. As countries like China and Japan continue to gain power it doesn’t hurt to have a friendly face in the White House that Europeans feel comfortable standing behind.
nObama in 2012??
He believes that Obama has "implemented 'radical' far left policies even though he campaigned as a conventional Democrat." Isn't that the whole point of being a Democrat...being left-winged in policies that he is supporting and implementing?? Cheney said Obama has been a lot different then "what we've traditionally had in Democratic presidents in years past." Is that not the point of electing a new president into the White House? Wasn't Obama's slogan "Change WE Can Believe In?" What does he expect with someone like Obama coming into the White House...another George Bush?
But yet to make this article even better they ask him who he thinks could win it in 2012 and he goes onto say, "It might hurt them more than it would help them coming from me." That right there coming from his own mouth. I just do not get why Cheney gets to comment when Obama has to go in and clean up after what the wonderful George Bush and himself left for him. What does he expect Obama still has a lot to work on.
Nobel for Obama
Obama refused to renounce war for his nation or under his leadership, saying defiantly that "I face the world as it is" and that he is obliged to protect and defend the United States.
This speech must have been a tough speech to deliver. In the midst of war and the ordering of more troops to Afghanistand Obama surely needed to pick his words wisely. I credit him for standing by his decisions and his movement to use more troops. I just think this would have been a no win speech to deliver. Obama definently has an important few months ahead of him . This was obvious because many people that attended the speech were baffled when he did not stay for the second day of festivities. I don't think they can blame him. He has a lot on his plate and a ton of issues to handle
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Man, Tiger Woods is messing up!
Party Crashers
Where did the White House napkins go?
If you missed this from Monday's "The View," you are not the only one. As a matter of fact I missed it too. But thank goodness yahoo did not let it go. I got it, and now you have got it. What is the implication?
This might have been one of the jokes on "The View," or it might be real. So Barbara Walters made away with the nakins from the White House afterall. Really? Yeah---the lady of character made fun of it on Monday's The View show, before Nikki Boyer and other viewers that she indeed orchestrated the biggest conspiracy in the national history by "stealing" the aforementioned goodies from the Oval House. But what for? Why should a respectable lady like Miss Walters engage in such demeaning act? Well, may be she was just following the old adage which goes, "If you want to be remembered after death, do things worth writing or write things worth reading.":) Miss Walters definitely did something worth writing.
Like I said earlier, this might have been a joke. But behind every joke their is a meaning, and this too is not exceptional. Miss Walters' incidence illustrates Lloyd Bitzer's article on "The rhetorical Situation." The exigence in the incidence is the "stealing act," which could be changed. The audience are people in the studio, and all the viewers/audience.
Health Care Bill Crushes 3 People... Not Really, But It Could
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Obama wants to spend our way out of trouble
Into the Crevasse, or "Spend our way out of recession"
In a moment sure to delight proponents of ideals such as "smaller government" and other vaguely defined concepts, Obama today unveiled a new series of job creation programs and other stimulus initiatives. In this speech, Obama also criticizes the Republicans for basically voting against every single piece of legislation and blindly opposing everything he is trying to do. I strongly believe that come 2010 and especially 2012, the main criticism of Obama from the Republicans will be that he hasn't accomplished anything, while at the same time willfully ignoring the fact that they tried their absolute best to make sure that this was the case. In regards to this new plan for Obama to "spend our way out of this downturn", I feel that he should be worrying more about fixing the unemployment rate rather than shoveling money into corporate coffers, especially if he has any hopes of getting re-elected in 2012. The fact that GDP is increasing means absolutely nothing to someone who can't find a job.
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Abortion Debate Continues
The most recent health care proposal to get in front of the congress contains language on that most crucial topic, abortion. The issue of abortion is a touchy subject and there are many different stances on each side of the issue. The issue of abortion is one that is so debated that it often becomes a sticking point in many elections. In general, most democrats tend to vote pro-choice and republicans tend to lean towards pro-life. The language being added to the health care plan proposes more strict guidelines on who can receive assistance from abortion clinics. The amendment to the bill is to tighten the restrictions on federal funding for abortion clinics. The amendment to the bill would prevent any health care plans receiving federal subsidiaries from receiving the assistance of abortion clinics. Exceptions to this would include cases of rape, incest or when there is a danger to the mother. However more conservative members are calling for even more strict regulations saying anyone receiving a federally funded health care plan would be banned from using private money to purchase abortion coverage. This is an issue that most of us feel very strongly about one way or another and I think it is important to pay attention to what happens regarding this legislation.