Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Where did the White House napkins go?

So word is out there that napkins went missing in the White House. Did you see this? Check it out man;
If you missed this from Monday's "The View," you are not the only one. As a matter of fact I missed it too. But thank goodness yahoo did not let it go. I got it, and now you have got it. What is the implication?
This might have been one of the jokes on "The View," or it might be real. So Barbara Walters made away with the nakins from the White House afterall. Really? Yeah---the lady of character made fun of it on Monday's The View show, before Nikki Boyer and other viewers that she indeed orchestrated the biggest conspiracy in the national history by "stealing" the aforementioned goodies from the Oval House. But what for? Why should a respectable lady like Miss Walters engage in such demeaning act? Well, may be she was just following the old adage which goes, "If you want to be remembered after death, do things worth writing or write things worth reading.":) Miss Walters definitely did something worth writing.
Like I said earlier, this might have been a joke. But behind every joke their is a meaning, and this too is not exceptional. Miss Walters' incidence illustrates Lloyd Bitzer's article on "The rhetorical Situation." The exigence in the incidence is the "stealing act," which could be changed. The audience are people in the studio, and all the viewers/audience.


  1. It’s no secret that Barbara Walters is everyone’s favorite crazy person, that cat has been out of the bag for a while. She stole some napkins, pretty weird but at the same time, who cares. The other women are talking about this being a security issue, though I doubt that secret service would stop Barbara Walters if they saw her stealing paper napkins. I’m still unsure as to why The View is still on television. My best guess though is that it is so that The Soup will never run out of jokes.

  2. REALLY BARABARA? Come on now. Napkins? Going back to the concept of image, this is only adding to Barbara's unstable image. Like you said Eric, most will agree that Walters is a little bit of a wacko. I have to also agree with you Eric, WHO CARES?

    I can't say that I am at all surprised that Barbara did this. Based on her image, I wouldn't expect anything less.
