Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Health Care Bill Crushes 3 People... Not Really, But It Could

With everyone debating the new health care plans going into effect, one reporter looks at the logistical issues still facing senators, politicians and people all over America that are concern about the health care plan. This report tells us that the house and senate health care bills add up to being more than 4,000 pages. 4,000 pages! The stat given is that if you took 1 second to flip though 1 page of the plan it would take over an hour just to flip through the pages. How do we expect our congressmen and women to be reading a 4,000 page bill and still take care of their other official duties? Not only is the bill long, it is filled with the difficult to read, legal jargon that makes careful analysis of the bill almost incomprehensible. The article suggests that if you are interested in reading the health care bill there are sites with summaries of important sections of the bill. I realize that this is an important issue but I feel that the language needs to be dumbed down and shortened to lighten the load on our politicians.


  1. Well, let us face this issue because it concerns us. The health care bill might be long, and it might be full of jargons. But it is also plausible to argue that the bill was written by Americans who care for their country. I just don't think that all the Congressmen and women, all the Senators, and all Americans who have been involved in the making of this bill are ignorant enough. I mean, America is an English speaking country. Are Americans trying to argue that they are no better than countries that don't speak English at all to the extent that they cannot interpret the very bill that they wrote? Come on, this is just political propaganda. This bill has come a long way. It will be a big shame to Americans to let the bill die at this atage. If the bill ends up dying just because it is long and full of jargons, the only interpretation will be that Americans are no better English speakers than countries that don't speak English at all. Come on Americans! rise up and make this happen for the sake of history. This is no time for petty excuses. This is for you, not me. Just remember, you might be the only industrialized/first world country without a health care plan with a public option.

  2. I think if a bill is not carefully written, it can do hilarious things like defund the military complex. In fact, that gives me a great idea for a blog post.
