Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Into the Crevasse, or "Spend our way out of recession"


In a moment sure to delight proponents of ideals such as "smaller government" and other vaguely defined concepts, Obama today unveiled a new series of job creation programs and other stimulus initiatives. In this speech, Obama also criticizes the Republicans for basically voting against every single piece of legislation and blindly opposing everything he is trying to do. I strongly believe that come 2010 and especially 2012, the main criticism of Obama from the Republicans will be that he hasn't accomplished anything, while at the same time willfully ignoring the fact that they tried their absolute best to make sure that this was the case. In regards to this new plan for Obama to "spend our way out of this downturn", I feel that he should be worrying more about fixing the unemployment rate rather than shoveling money into corporate coffers, especially if he has any hopes of getting re-elected in 2012. The fact that GDP is increasing means absolutely nothing to someone who can't find a job.

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