Friday, December 11, 2009

Obama & Nobel Prize

We spent quite some time in class talking about political speeches. I thought this was a great example of an effective acceptance speech. Obama's Nobel Prize acceptance speech is, like all of his other speeches, encouraging, hopeful and optimistic. He repeatedly, presents himself well, and continues to impress America with all that he is doing. In addition to this story, there are numerous other stories on about other politician's opinions about Obama's acceptance speech. The consensus is that it rocked. (Even Sara Palin liked it). As we discussed in class, the performance of a political speech and either help, or hurt your career. This speech by Obama, as his other speeches have, will only help his career, and add to his credibility.

1 comment:

  1. Obama is an incredible speaker and has yet to really deliver a speech that I can't take something from. I used to look at Clinton as among the top political speakers and as someone that could not be passed as far as public speaking went. But Obama seems to just get better and better with each speech he makes.

    It will be very interesting to see how Obama takes the 2012 election. My bet is his campaign will push for as many debates as possible to keep him speaking as much as possible. I assume we will also see a good number of press conferences in the garden as well.
