Friday, December 11, 2009

Biden campaigns for Dodd

Vice President Joe Biden visited Connecticut today to help campaign for Senator Chris Dodd who is up for re-election in 2010. We discussed the importance of supporters during the campaign process and I think this article/event hits a major perspective on politics. If the elections held earlier this year are any indicator for support, it shows that Obama doesn't have the power to successfully stump for other candidates. While Obama certainly drove in an immense amount of support (and voters) for the 2008 election, the elections held earlier this year proved that he can't bring in the same support for other candidates. So apparently the party decided to send the Vice President instead to see if his pull was any stronger. Unfortunately while the Vice President was in attendance, Senator Dodd was a no show to his own fund raiser/event. At $500 a plate you'd think that Senate business could be put on hold in order to attend. Its not like they forgo breaking session in order to get business done but I guess its better when everyone else does it along side you.

Will Biden's support be enough to get Dodd re-elected? We'll find out in 2010 but I have a feeling, if it does work, we'll be seeing a lot more of Biden stumping rather than Obama himself. I guess you can't win them all.

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