Saturday, March 27, 2010

Obama Bypasses Senate Process

This article is about president Obama and how he showed his executive authority just one day after Congress left for spring recess by bypassing the Senate and installing 15 appointees including a union lawyer. Because of Obama's victory on health care legislation, this move suggests a new president who is not afraid to provoke a confrontation with the minority party. The Senate Republicans sent Mr. Obama a letter urging him not to appoint the union lawyer, and it was the first time the president has used his constitutional authority to fill vacant federal positions by making recess appointments and avoiding the requirement for advice and consent of the Senate. I think this shows that since Obama had his big victory on health care legislation he is now stepping up and taking charge and showing his authority. He is showing his power and using it to get his message across by making big decisions. I also think this article is an example of agenda setting because it is exploring an event and the issues that were covered and addressed. Obama addressed the issue and it was covered by the mass media. This big step for Obama was covered because he is a legitimate candidate and it was an important event being covered.


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