Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Raising issues on gay marriage

An article in the New York Times titled, "Maryland: Impeachment Threat Over Gay Marriage" discusses how Dwyer a republican member of the House of Delegates plans to bring impeachment charges on the House Floor against the state's attorney general, Gansler. Dwyer argues that Gansler overstepped his authority in issuing a legal opinion last month saying that the state would recognize same sex marriage. Gansler was arguing for gay married couples to have the same rights as heterosexual couples. Gansler was hoping to guide state officials in this direction and now Dwyer is talking about impeaching him for it. I think this is ridiculous, Gansler was stating his opinions and speaking up for gay couples, just because he is a state's attorney general does not mean that the issue is going to pass or he is leading people to believe in false issues, he was just simply raising the issue and hoping to guide state officials towards his direction.
I think this issue relates to agenda setting. It is not telling people what to think, but what to think about. I think that was Gansler's idea from the beginning. He wanted to raise the issue of gay marriage and wanted to get people thinking about it. Once people are thinking about the issue it starts to generate buzz, which hopefully will have a positive turnout. I think Dwyer is wrong for making such a large deal about Gansler raising the issue on gay marriage. I am glad that Gansler raised this issue and is trying to get it out into the public.

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