Saturday, March 20, 2010

Obama vs. Republican Party

When viewing the current financial status of the United State there is no denying that some sort of reform needs to take place. Today, President Obama addressed the public concerning the current banking system in the United States and worldwide. The purpose of the address was for President Obama to make it publicly known that he would not tolerate “any attempts to undermine the independence of this agency”. By publicly addressing this issue President Obama is creating an audience in favor of this particular issue, while also secluding those opposed to bank reform. In many instances with the bank reform, those of the Republican Party are strongly opposed to it. President Obama is exercising his own form of exigence by placing a high level of importance on this bank reform. By giving a set guideline as to how this would take place and how it would affect the U.S. banking system is a way of instilling a confidence to those who are concerned with what some view as a crippling economy. The only issue that I see with the current stance President Obama is taking is creating a clear separation between the two parties. Although the outcomes are ideal it will most likely not occur if one side is in not in agreement. For this reform to take place the administration will have to take a less aggressive stance on the bank reform and instill some of the ideas of the opposition as well.


  1. To me this sounds like a act of framing. Obama is most definitely trying to force the American people into thinking about the state of the nations monetary funds. However, I cannot help but this that he is also attempting to force the spotlight away from the health care bill that is up for vote today.
    I do not think is a bad thing, it is something that I a sure I am not the only one to recognize and think it might be necessary. As stated in the article and seen in the economy everyday, the financial status of the US is in need of a reform and that is the next big issue that needs to be resolved.

  2. This is a great article, that discusses alot of the major problems this country is having today. I agree that there is currently a huge problem with the two party system. Wheres the Bi-Partisanship within the government?

    Everything to me seems so one sided. If I were in the presidents shoes, id try to motivate members of the house to be more accepting of the views from other parties...
