Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is the Public Concerned About?

What are Americans concerned about? Are they concerned about politics, environment, or what the Media tells us? A Fox News article says that Americans are less concerned about environmental issues than they have been in the 20 years. The article discusses a poll from Gallup that shows the shift in public attitude is because people think environmental issues are improving or that economic concerns outweigh environmental issues. The poll asked people, "If they worry a great deal about eight distinct environmental issues" and the percentage that answered yes was lower than last year. The number was the lowest since the past 20 years. A bill passed the House last year about the urgency behind enacting comprehensive climate change, but the Senate has not approved anything. Global warming was one category that still had concern, is this because the media had coverage on it?
I am questioning political socialization, which refers to the ways in which individuals gain knowledge about the political world and learn to orient themselves to politics. The article discusses how public concern about environmental issues hits a 20 year low, but global warming is an exception. I think this is because the media discusses global warming quite a bit which makes the public aware of the issues around it. This can be the same with politics, i think that the media has an affect on what we learn about politics. In class we discussed how comedic shows like SNL tells the truth and gets the word out there about political issues and politics and the younger generation tends to watch these shows. I think its interesting how media has such an affect on our lives and the information we retain.


  1. Good point. But I wonder the exact effect that the media's continual coverage of environmental issues has resulted in. Has it made people less concerned with environmental issues because they believe that the government is currently working on them? Or has the continued coverage of environmental issues simply been a ploy for media to influence our government’s actions regarding the environment?

    One side could say that although the public is less concerned with environmental issues facing our planet today, the media continues to cover environmental issues so that politicians will see environmental issues as a big deal, thus passing more environmentally friendly legislature. This is a way that media has power to influence politics because even though people are not primarily concerned with the environment, the media makes it seem that way. It is s politician’s job to serve the public’s interests, therefore a politician who watched the news might believe that people strongly care about environmental issues.

    Another argument could say that the only reason the public reported less concern for environmental issues than in the past 20 years, is because we have been seeing more environmentally-related news stories. There has been much more media coverage on environmental issues in the past few years compared to 20 years ago. If the public sees that media is covering environmental issues more and more, then they might believe that the government has realized that many people really care about these issues, thus the public’s belies that the government is working to pass environmentally friendly legislature.

    Much like how many people did not go out and vote during the 2000 election because they were happy with the government, many people will not report that they are concerned with environmental issues if they believe that the government is currently working on them.

  2. I would definitely agree with this. You don’t realize how much the media affects us but it truly affects us in every way of life. As I read more and more articles on politics and scandals I realize that we think the way we do because we are always hearing about something new and bad in the news. As I wrote about my article this week it made me realize that I am persuaded each and everyday of what to think about. I am persuaded so much that it makes me think about places to travel to. I also feel that we are not concerned enough about important issues like the environment and care more about the scandals and “gossip” which we should re-think. Many people get mad about shows like SNL and The Daily Show, but these shows bring up real political issues and good points. I mean we think that these issues are taken care of, but are they really? Or is that just what we hear? We need to have a bigger focus on these important issues in the world.

  3. I definitely agree with your stance on how media sources such as SNL inform the public on political issues. I recall an article that stated nearly 60% of those who viewed a Saturday Night Live skit were swayed at least moderately by Monday in their political opinions dependant on the skit. Almost everyday the media attempts to change our view or inform us on different isues. The comedic world is no different. This can also be viewed with shows such as the Colbert Report. This show takes a more serious stance than that of SNL, and as a result Stephen Colbert has even been considered to be a reasonable candidate for the presidency. I think this form of media influencing such a great number of people is a positive thing for politics. If these outlets did not exist, I would think that much less people would be informed on political issues that the media deemed important.
