Friday, April 30, 2010
Shakira on Immigration
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Enthusiastic Voters
This article brings up a lot of issues, first it is stating that republicans are more excited and enthusiastic to vote in the november election compared to democrates. Could that be because republicans cant wait to get a chance to take back the power? Another issue this article brings up is attentive versus inattentive publics. This article is obviously discussing how the attentive public is enthusiastic about voting, but is the article geared towards the attentive public. I think the article is geared towards the inattentive public in that they are trying to get them more involved by stating how enthusiastic the rebublicans are to vote. This makes the inattentive public wonder why?
Obama asks for help...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ballot for Spring 2010 IPC 4020 Election
_____ Barr, Danielle
_____ Cunningham, Adam
_____ Lewis, Johnnie
_____ Masterson, Michael
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Obama Drama
Gay and Lesbian Rights Movements
I feel this related to the CNN article because so many people have this bad wrap on gay and lesbians, when they don’t have any idea that they’re all like regular people. The values that many of these gay couples exhibit in their daily lives are impossible to tell apart from those of their straight neighbors. Just like partners Kelly and Dennis were, they both valued and participated in family life, and were committed to making their neighborhoods and communities better. When Dennis’s partner Kelly passed, he was just as upset as a regular husband and wife coupled. Dennis should be able to participate in the state giving him money and shouldn’t be left behind due to his sexual being. I thought this weeks chapter on rights movements, brought up interesting points, and I thought the article from CNN was very good to relate to the majority public opinion.
Friday, April 23, 2010
CNN Poll: Obama tied in Hypothetical 2012 Matchup
The Attack Strikes Again
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Obama Moves Focus to Economy
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Attack Attack!
Ahh the attack ad, or should I just say attack? We all saw tonight at the debate how intense and touchy such attacks can be. I wonder how much of an influence attacking an opposing candidate really has on the outcome of an election. I also wonder if the form of an attack has an influence as well, such as ads, speeches, articles, etc. This particular article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer is clearly involves an attack from the Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner on to Lt. Gov Lee Fisher. It goes on to explain how Fisher apparently accepted thousands of dollars in contributions to his U.S. Senate campaign. The money was tied to banks and financial institutions, which contradicts his pledge to clean up Wall Street if he is elected to Congress. Brunner attacks by saying that accepting these contributions compromises Fisher's ability to reform the financial industry and "guts trust in our government officials." Yes, these are just comments made or heard and used by a reporter, but how much influence do they really have? There has to be a point where the words and actions that are taken to attack another candidates go from just being a way to retaliate to actually doing some damage.
Edwards Denies Affair
Monday, April 19, 2010
Rising Distrust of Government in America... ARticle..
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ask the Card-Carrying Socialist: Is Obama one of Them?
Bullying in Schools
Former Pres. Clinton Reflects on the Past
Obama criticizes mine owner, orders safety review
Radical Presidents
An article entitled “5 presidents more ‘radical’ than Obama” found on explained the reasoning behind Newt Gingrich’s assumption that Obama has been one of America’s most radical presidents. The article goes on to state that indeed 5 other presidents have been more “radical” than Obama. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was said to be radical due overturning the two-term precedent set by George Washington and winning four terms when most other countries worldwide focused on dictators. John Adams is considered radical for signing the Alien and Sedition acts during the threat of war, outlawing anti-government dissent. Andrew Jackson is considered radical due to removing Native American policies, bringing about the infamous “Trail of Tears” that led to thousands of deaths. Abraham Lincoln was called radical for pledging to only preserve the union and wanting to stop the spread of slavery. Lastly, G.W. Bush has been considered radical because of the extreme choices regarding Iraq and reluctance to pay for his wars directly, contributing to our economic downfall. The article continues on to talk about how none of these “radical” presidents were truly radical in a global sense, just making good or bad decisions regarding American history. People are more worried about who Obama is as a person than as a president. Newt Gingrich argues that we are more worried about using fear and hate to cause a seen and make history, whereas we need to worry about doing better for ourselves and our country as a whole. This reminded me of how we talk about people being more worried about unimportant things when it comes to presidency. Citizens are more concerned with Obama being able to speak well, and whether or not he has an official birth certificate than him being able to lead our country. Although he may have great ideas and hopes for the USA, we are blinded by his color and stereotypes we place on him. Past presidents are referred to as radical after doing something drastically wonderful or horrible, but why? Why is Bush not remembered for his 9/11 speech or actions after 9/11? The inattentive audience needs to worry less about image, eloquent style, plebiscitary, language or speaking abilities (god/devil terms), and media opinions and learn to make their own assumptions and opinions.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Obama is a romantic hero
Communication and narratives go hand in hand. When the media reports stories they do so in the form of narratives. We talked in class about the different categories stories can be as well as the different roles the characters can play, specifically the hero or protagonist. The main four types being comedy, romance, tragedy, and irony. In an article from USA Today titled “Obama to Take a Grass-Roots Approach to Conservation,” the media portrays Obama, the protagonist, as a romantic hero. They do this by explaining the things that Obama is doing for the conservation movement in a positive light. Such as, “Instead of just designating vast tracts of land to be protected from development, pollution and overpopulation, Obama wants the government to embrace a grass-roots approach to conservation that has quietly taken hold in recent years in U.S. cities and towns and across international borders.” This shows that he is going above and beyond the bare minimum he could be doing and taking it one step further. He is proving is heroism by being superior to the environment and us. This article also describes the members of the community as comedic heroes. They do this by talking about how they come together and untie to protect their communities. They do a good job at addressing the different groups of people involved. Everyone deserves to be a hero at some point in their life right?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tea Party Heros
Nebraska v. U.S. Supreme Court?
Newsweek’s article shown here discusses the state of Nebraska’s newly passed law that forbids abortions after 20 weeks from conception. This law, called the “Fetal Pain law,” argues the possibility that after 20 weeks the fetus can feel pain. This directly challenges the landmark case of Roe v. Wade where the Supreme Court recognized fetal viability (the point at which the fetus can live outside the womb) as the time that states can outlaw abortion.
As we discussed in class, a point of stasis is the point on which the overall argument hinges. In this case, the point of stasis is clearly how one defines a fetus as a human. Some groups believe that it becomes a human at conception, others believe that it cannot be defined as a human until it is actually born, and there are many groups in the middle of this continuum. This whole argument over abortion hinges on how human life is defined and at what point does an abortion become murder.
The Supreme Court has defined the fetus as a human when it can live outside the womb. Do you think that this Nebraska law will be brought to, and possibly surpass, the Supreme Court’s landmark case of Roe v. Wade?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Admits to Affair
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What is Eloquence?
President Bill Clinton was all over the place, and still to this day it’s hard to actually know what happened. When reading articles on this scandal I found one from CBS News titled “Monica Lewinsky Says Bill Clinton Lied Under Oath.” In this article author Stephanie Condon discusses how Monica Lewinsky say’s Clinton made up many lies saying “There was no leeway on the veracity of his statements because they asked him detailed and specific questions to which he answered untruthfully," Lewinsky reported. This goes back to the whole idea of the four stages of Apologa, denial, bolstering, differentiation, and transcendence. Since Clinton lied the first time during his speech, it was hard to believe him the second time around. I believe former president Bill Clinton really doesn’t have any eloquence. He definitely expressed many different emotions but he didn’t do it in a convincing way. He only tried to make himself better in the beginning, which didn’t help anything.
yay for the gay court...!
President Barack Obama is going to have a unique pleasure of being able to appoint two Supreme Court Justices to the court. Justice Sotomeyer has been serving since her appointment to the high court last summer. And now Justice John Paul Stevens has announced his retirement plans, giving the president his second opportunity. Naturally, there has been some speculation of who would be the most appropriate nominee for the court.
An article on the Nation’s website compares this time in our sociological history to that of the civil rights struggle of the 1960s. And subsequently, the article replaces the struggles of black Americans with that of gay Americans today. Noting how President Johnson appointed Thurgood Marshall to alleviate some of the strains of the civil rights struggle. Some argue, and the article does so as well, that President Johnson felt badly about how the executive branch had done little for the struggles of black Americans. He made the appointment to the court knowing that legislation can be changed, but the Supreme Court (for the most part) is final.
This can be applied to current day with gay Americans in that the Obama administration is indeed failing to follow through with its goal of eliminating “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell.” While, there are strides that are being made, it is clear that more can be done. The article, and these conversations, very clearly is an attempt to set the agenda by the news media. In this case, it’s not necessarily a negative attempt. The administration has to be sure to follow through with its plans.
Paul M. Smith of Washington D.C. would be the perfect candidate for the high court.
Obama Calls For Joint Action
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Palin Drills Down Policy in High-Profile Speech
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Tiger Stirring Up Quite A Roar
The article that I read this week came from and is titled “Steven’s Retirement is Political Test for Obama”. It focuses on the retirement of eighty-nine year old, associate Supreme Court Judge John Paul Stevens. Not only is this a big deal because Stevens has served as a Judge for thirty-five years, but also because this means that President Barack Obama will get to nominate someone new to Supreme Court. Few presidents have had this opportunity. The article explains that this will be a big decision especially after the healthcare bill. The President says he has it narrowed down to ten candidates, three of whom he is really pulling for. They democrats fear that whoever he appoints, the Republicans will deny. Things could get ugly. I chose this article because we just read a chapter on the appointment of Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas in 1991. That appointment, however, was embedded in a scandal between him and Anita Hill. Hopefully President Obama’s choice will not involve any drama like Judge Thomas had. But I think today if something like that were to happen again, the woman would be taken much more serious that Anita Hill was nearly twenty years ago. Women have gained much more respect since then.
Glenn Beck Speaks Out
· Media Matters For America:
Is Glenn Beck to be hit by a “Twitterstorm”? As a result of comments he had made which associated religious groups regarding his concern with social justice has caused backlash to one group in particular. Beck has attacked social justice and it’s relation with churches. He was quoted describing social justice as “code language for Marxism,” warning that “when you see those words, run.” (Beck) The philanthropic group, Jewish Funds for Justice, has concerns with Beck’s association with Communism and Nazism to social justice. This group is campaigning to ‘flood Beck’s Twitter account” with religious ‘haiku’ as well as lines such as, “it’s so quiet; except of course for Glenn Beck, he’s never quiet.” The group’s is campaigning to swamp Beck with these messages via Twitter’s “reply” function. "While faith traditions may be different, the thread of social justice cuts across lines of faith. In a country increasingly torn apart by fundamentalism, undermining this thread that ties us together is dangerous." (Mic Moore of Jewish Funds for Justice)
This group is using Twitter as their medium tool to hopefully cause an impact on Beck, but because Twitter is their tool of choice, who are they really trying to catch the attention of? The inattentive public who pays little attention to politics, but is fully aware of Twitter are more susceptible to picking up on this story and rebel against Beck, although they might not be aware of each side. I’m going to discuss this event with Toulmin’s Model for grounds, warrant, and claim. The ground for the Jewish Funds group comes as a result of backlash on social justice and his association with religion. The warrant exists because there is evidence regarding Beck’s insight on the matter. The claim or the rebuttal comes via Twitter as those who don’t approve are asked to “reply” and acknowledge their disapproval. Although Beck may not have said what he did, is Twitter an appropriate tool to backlash on?
We’ve discussed Glenn Beck in class and his political views as well as how he an advocate of speaking what he feels. How influential is Beck and do his views really impact the public?
Friday, April 9, 2010
To Believe Obama or Not to Believe Obama
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Jobs Will Spark this Economy...
I believe that the main problem is how low our unemployment is. We need to create more jobs for our citizens and start working in the 21st century. In creating jobs the government will start to see a rise in the economy, and eventually will have more and more benefits for those without jobs. As stated in class, infrastructure is what allows the economy to grow. “If you build it, they will come.” This statement might come from field of dreams; however it does have a great importance. The 2010 census is going to allow the government to allocate funds to build in areas of the country that is very populated. My only hope is that these funds will spark more jobs for our citizens.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
In Terms of Politics
But this has happened, with former president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton. In the article “In Politics, What is a Campaign Surrogate?” They discuss Bill Clinton’s campaign trail with wife Hillary saying “Bill Clinton is in a unique position for a spousal campaign surrogate, having actually served in the office his wife is running for.” Sometimes we underestimate if a couple will be able to figure out their problems, but the Clinton’s definitely did. I think it’s great that with all the speculations, and problems the Clinton’s had to deal with, they still stood by each other. A surrogate in terms of politics is quite a big deal, what do you think?
Obama Continues Tradition
Just as the article states that a first pitch says a lot about a president, I feel the inaugural speech, and way a president portrays himself does as well. In class, we discussed what inaugural speeches will always contain. A few of these include explaining tradition, building an image, and usually talking about the “American dream” or at least goals and hopes for the future of the country. This is easily related to the president throwing the first pitch at a baseball game. He follows the tradition, creates a positive image, and just like us, enjoys baseball, the American past time. Obama, dressed in his pull-over jacket, has clearly stepped out of his extremely sophisticated ways, and is ready to show American’s that he is ordinary and loves baseball just as much as the next person. Field of Dreams represents the “American Dream” and tradition, just like the president throwing the first pitch. “If you build it, they will come” works with Obama’s pitch, too. If he builds this positive image, and shows the people he cares about and loves our traditions, his supporters, new and old, will come. Something that we have also talked about in class is how presidents are not required, but choose to say some form of “God bless you” at the end of their speeches. Once started, all presidents after have continued on with saying “God bless,” probably due to the positive response. If the people like something, presidents will do it. We like baseball, Christianity is one of our main religions, and tradition in general is highly valued in America. I believe we will continue to see our presidents throw the first pitch and say “may God bless you” for many years to come.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Does Old-Age Really Equal Wisdom?
The Associated Press’s article found here insists that being older is being wiser. This article indicates that older people are wise “in knowing how to deal with conflicts and accepting life's uncertainties and change.” This quality of having a better analysis of social problems could explain why Obama stopped dying his hair to hide his “salt and pepper.”
In class yesterday we talked about how grey hair was related to ideas of wisdom and that it can impact a political campaign. This article reinforces the reasoning behind why it is a good move (politically) for Obama to let his grey hair grow out a bit - because the American people will be more likely to see him as someone who knows “how to deal with conflicts” which is definitely something that our current President needs to do. Even though Obama’s campaign for the presidency has come to an end, he still needs to “look the part” of the president that we expect; and according to this study that is something that a candidate is able to accomplish simply with a little help from Revlon.
My original thought was: “But what does that say about us as voters when we are more likely to vote for a person based on the color of their hair?” I guess this article proved me wrong; older does mean wiser. Therefore, maybe it isn’t such a bad idea after all to favor a politician who is showing a little grey.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The "T" Word
The Nude Badu
Obama's Spar Over New Jobs
Disgruntled Democrats join the tea party
Nightclub Debt
This past week in the textbook we read about scandals. The case focused mostly on the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal. It discussed how the situation was handled and the ramifications of it. There was an article from USA Today online about another scandalous situation that the Republican National Committee is facing. Apparently the RNC is investigating how almost $2,000 of its campaign account was spent at an adult nightclub in Los Angeles. The article continues to explain that the charges were for food and the adult nightclub is a high-end nightclub, not a strip or sex club. The way this situation is reported by the media it makes the situation seem less serious and explains that the money is going to be reimbursed and there is nothing to worry about. The media can be seen here as the watchdog. It is keeping an eye out for the RNC by defusing the situation and reporting what they have to but keeping it not as severe as maybe it should be. This is different than how the media reported on the Clinton Lewinsky scandal. The text talks about how the media operated like an angry pack of wolves when covering the situation. I bet the RNC is happy the media is going easy on them.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Florida doctor's sign warns away Obama supporters
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Why Everyone Loves Joe Biden!
Newsweek’s article titled, “Say It Just So, Joe” is basically an article about bragging about Vice President Joe Biden.
While his selection as Obama’s running-mate was not as widely celebrated as Sarah Palin’s appointment as John McCain’s running-mate, the liberals still liked him. This article explains that liberals saw a few key things about Biden that they liked, including, “Biden's experience as a substantive asset in the White House, balancing out Obama's lack of experience on Capitol Hill and in international diplomacy.” Not only was he a candidate who could, “Resonate with the white working-class voters,” but now this article talks about Biden’s “thriving fan base.”
If this does not show the use of God and Devil terms, then I don’t know what does!
Just a few God terms that this article uses are: experience, substantive asset, resonate, working-class, best choice, and thriving. Using these God terms shows Biden in a very positive light and kind of makes us like him even if we didn’t beforehand.
Some Devil terms used in this article are: lack of experience, hawkish tendencies, and same old thing. These terms are used to characterize other people that this article talks about, including President Obama.
The use of these God and Devil terms are not meant to criticize Obama in any way; but by showing us how Biden can be seen as a friend to Republicans, we can see why he was a good choice as Obama’s running-mate: he could sway Republican voters. He was also the Democrat who could keep the Hillary Clinton supporters voting democrat on Election Day, whom some Republicans thought would rather vote for John McCain.