Monday, April 19, 2010

Rising Distrust of Government in America...

The article "Rising Distrust of Government in America" is about how most Americans distrust the government and the reasons are because of the current economic and political conditions. A poll taken stated that about one in four Americans trust the federal government to do what's right. According to the Pew report based on the polling conducted "the dissastisfaction is due to what is called a perfect storm of conditions associated with distrust of government- a dismal economy, an unhappy public, bitter partisan, backlash, and epic discontent with Congress and elected officials." I think the distrust of government in America about the current economic and political conditions is because of the lack of issue advertising and sticking to it. I do not believe Obama discusses his policy positions and actually makes an effort to take action. He proposes many positions but America does not feel he, along with government in general follow through with these references of what "will be done." I think this article is also an example of a rhetorical audience. America was capable of being influenced by governments discourse of proposed actions, saw the lack of change, and are not trying to be mediators of change. By expressing our opinions of our lack of trust, government will hopefully try and change and follow through with their proposals, or atleast show effort in making America a better place economically and politically. Government is losing their ability to persuade America because we are slowly losing faith in their ability to better our country. ARticle..

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the article that the nation has such a lack of confidence in the US Government these days. I also agree with you that the reason for this is because of the poor state of the economy, job market, housing situation, and other things. Although it might be true that Obama has promised things like reforms and pulling the nation out of trouble and has yet to come through, I also believe that he is not solely to blame for the nations troubles. He has only been in office for a few years and the problems began way before then. I also agree that the point you make that the American people are the rhetorical audience. They are the ones who deal with the problems everyday and can only hope for someone to save them.
