Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nightclub Debt

This past week in the textbook we read about scandals. The case focused mostly on the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal. It discussed how the situation was handled and the ramifications of it. There was an article from USA Today online about another scandalous situation that the Republican National Committee is facing. Apparently the RNC is investigating how almost $2,000 of its campaign account was spent at an adult nightclub in Los Angeles. The article continues to explain that the charges were for food and the adult nightclub is a high-end nightclub, not a strip or sex club. The way this situation is reported by the media it makes the situation seem less serious and explains that the money is going to be reimbursed and there is nothing to worry about. The media can be seen here as the watchdog. It is keeping an eye out for the RNC by defusing the situation and reporting what they have to but keeping it not as severe as maybe it should be. This is different than how the media reported on the Clinton Lewinsky scandal. The text talks about how the media operated like an angry pack of wolves when covering the situation. I bet the RNC is happy the media is going easy on them.


  1. I think this is a great example of how the media can be used as a watchdog. It brings attention to serious issues that the goverment or party may try to keep descrete. The media is very helpful to keep the goverment in line. I think this is a semi serious issues, since the party used campaign money at a night club. It is very concerning that money was used at a night club and makes me wonder where goverment money goes at other times. Also I wonder if this would have been reimbursed if the media had not called it to our attention.

  2. I liked this post and I totally agree with you. It's not shocking at all to me that the media is attempting to diffuse this situation. They are surely looking out for the Republican Party by doing so. One reason that this may be happening is that this scandal isn't just involving one person, an easier target. When you're taking on an entire party, they have a lot more power in controlling or influencing what the media covers. The media doesn't want to make the entire party look bad, or maybe their just intimidated. This clearly shows that the media is very far from objective, they only serve to serve government interest, not the interests of the people.

  3. I thought this article was and your post were very intersting and shocking. I also thought it was great that you were able to tie it in to what we read about just last week. I bet we will be discussing the scandal chapter this coming week so this story will be a great example to bring up in class. I could not believe this story and just wonder what the truth really is about where the money was spent; a strip club or a night club. There is a big difference, although I believe they should have to give that money back regardless.
