Friday, April 23, 2010

The Attack Strikes Again

The article titled, "Specter Attacks Primary Opponent's Military Congressional Records" from Fox News discusses how Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter attacked his Democratic primary opponent Joe Sestak for his record in the military and in congress. In the first attack ad, Specter, who is seeking his sixth term in the Senate said Sestak was "relieved of duty for creating a poor command climate" and he has one of the worst attendance records in the House. Sestak's campaign responded that "Democrats don't swift boat. We are better than that" and also has his superior officer in his defense. Specter's campaign also said Sestak was tying to "rewrite history" Even through Specter is comfortably leading in the polls he is focused on winning.
This article demonstrates how attack ads can extremely impact campaigns. Attack ads show the truth amout each candidates and brings out their flaws and truths. In this example this attack ad brought up some issues about the candidates that some people may not have known. Attack ads are important and can help lead the candidate in a certain direction in the campaign. Im m opinion attack ads are what i look forward to because i know there will be some issues and truths out for both of the candidates.

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