Newsweek’s article titled, “Say It Just So, Joe” is basically an article about bragging about Vice President Joe Biden.
While his selection as Obama’s running-mate was not as widely celebrated as Sarah Palin’s appointment as John McCain’s running-mate, the liberals still liked him. This article explains that liberals saw a few key things about Biden that they liked, including, “Biden's experience as a substantive asset in the White House, balancing out Obama's lack of experience on Capitol Hill and in international diplomacy.” Not only was he a candidate who could, “Resonate with the white working-class voters,” but now this article talks about Biden’s “thriving fan base.”
If this does not show the use of God and Devil terms, then I don’t know what does!
Just a few God terms that this article uses are: experience, substantive asset, resonate, working-class, best choice, and thriving. Using these God terms shows Biden in a very positive light and kind of makes us like him even if we didn’t beforehand.
Some Devil terms used in this article are: lack of experience, hawkish tendencies, and same old thing. These terms are used to characterize other people that this article talks about, including President Obama.
The use of these God and Devil terms are not meant to criticize Obama in any way; but by showing us how Biden can be seen as a friend to Republicans, we can see why he was a good choice as Obama’s running-mate: he could sway Republican voters. He was also the Democrat who could keep the Hillary Clinton supporters voting democrat on Election Day, whom some Republicans thought would rather vote for John McCain.
I totally agree with you on this. The article very much highlights all Joe Biden’s positive qualities that have, as they make it seem, just been discovered by the people. The god terms are everywhere in this article, in my opinion they are a little excessive. I am not sure the political background of the woman that wrote the article but it is clear that she is a fan of Biden and praises him throughout the article. I am not sure if this is the right application here but I feel like this could be seen as a terministic screen of the writer.