Sunday, April 11, 2010

Palin Drills Down Policy in High-Profile Speech

I found this article on, and it focused on a speech that Palin gave last Friday. It states in the article that Sarah Palin delivered a speech that focused as much on policy ideas as it did on political combat. The article compared this speech to her 2008 presidential campaign, in which her speeches were all about partisan zingers and Obama bashing. Palin speech was at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, which she called president Obama decision to expand offshore drilling "smoke and mirrors", cover for a slate of more liberal energy policies that he and Democrats in congress plan to enact. She also faulted the Obama administration for not opening more areas to oil and gas drilling, in particular her home state. Palin feels that it's time to stop ignoring the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, even if a caribou has to take one for the team. Palin basically throughout the whole article continued to talk against the Obama administration claiming that he had made several mistakes since becoming president. With that being said it seems to me that Sarah Palin is very confident about the 2012 election, and it seems to me that she is already preparing her inaugural speech. She seems to be building an image for herself, setting up goals and focusing on the issues that she feel haven't been taken in to consideration yet by the Obama administration. I really can't wait to see if people is really taking her seriously in this up coming election, which is one of the concerns that many people have according to this article from


  1. The 2012 election will be the political equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel. Who are the GOP’s two most viable candidates to take on Obama next time ’round? Eric Cantor and Mitt Romney. The problem with that is the simple, undeniable fact the the religious bigots who have hijacked that party will never – EVER - nominate a Jew or a Mormon.

    David Duke will become president of the NAACP before that ever happens.

    Tom Degan

  2. Hm.

    Ms. Palin intrigues me... as do conservative and liberal radicals. The reality of politics is that it requires a significant amount of give and take. While she calls it 'smoke and mirrors,' I recognize that the administration is wholeheartedly trying to give a little with the intent of trying to work together still.

    In the beginning of President Obama's term, he did try his best to keep up with his goal of bipartisan leadership. However, when he made a special trip to the hill to talk to conservative party leaders, they all denied him even a conversation. That neglect is what has forced the democrats to respond with force as they have.

    And I can indeed see Romney being the most viable republican candidate.

    Just a thought.

