Friday, April 23, 2010

CNN Poll: Obama tied in Hypothetical 2012 Matchup

This article was from, and it was based on how many people will re-elect President Obama and how many people will not. It states in the article that the public is split right down the middle on whether President Barack Obama should be re-elected and a majority of American predict he will be a one-term president according the a new national poll. Based on a CNN/ opinion research corporation survey released Thursday indicates that if the 2012 presidential election were held today only 47 percent of registered voters would back Obama, with an equal amount supporting an unnamed republican challenger. Fifty four percent people questioned say Obama will lose if he was runs for re-election in 2012. With 44 percent saying that the president would win a second term. This article was very interesting to me, because even in the beginning President Obama has been very honest as far as what he planned to do for the economy. Now that Obama has been elected as the president and he is actually doing what he said he would do people are still not satisfied with the changes that had been made. This article mentioned Bill Clinton and how he was re-elected even when he was running against a no name republic. But I must say that although I was very young when President Clinton was president he was an good president to me. However later on President Clinton was involved in a sex scandal, in which he denied at firs but ended up at the end admitting to it. Just like we discussed in class about Apologia, and how when president Clinton was faced with those charges he used differentiation and also denial at first. People still today consider president Clinton as being one of the best presidents ever. With that being said President Obama has been in office for almost two years and he has been nothing but honest and straight forward with us on how he plains to work on the economy. I just don't understand what the problem is, because in my opinion he had been an awesome president so far. I also feel that him and his wife Michelle Obama will go into history a being viewed as one of the best couples yet in the White House. Their romance to me is just like we discussed in class, which is a superior to us as an environment.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statements in the article but I do understand why the public is split right down the middle. Even though Barack Obama has been doing what he says he will do, many people do not like what he wants to do with America such as the health care reform. A lot of people do not want the bill to pass, therefore they do not want to re-elect Barack Obama as president in 2012. Even though he has not been involved in a sex scandal like president clinton, people are looking at different aspects of his presidency such as what he plans to do in the future as far as medical care and economically. If Obama does what the majority of society wants and continues being honest as president, maybe the odds will change and be in his favor.
