Monday, November 22, 2010

2012 Election Polls- Obama over Palin ;)

For this weeks blog entry I read an article on about how the 2012 elections could happen.  The article states that President Obama currently leads Sarah Palin by 8 percentage points in a hypothetical 2012 general election.  Of the people polled 49 percent felt that Obama should not be re-elected while 43 percent felt that Obama should be re-elected and given the chance to take on another term and prove that he can change out nation for the better.  In the poll 9 percent we're undecided on whether or not he should be given the chance.  According to the associated press-GFK survey that was released 11 days ago stated that over 54 percent of people believed that Obama should be voted out of office while only 39 percent belived that he should be given another chance at taking on a second term, while once again 9 percent we're unsure of whether he should be given a chance or not.  According to the Quinnipiac poll Republican's chose by a 92 to 4 margin believe that Obama should not be re-elected while Independents believe that a 51 to 35 margin that Obama should not be re-elected.  Peter A. Brown, who is an assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute said this is respose to the recent polling, "The Democratic base remains squarely behind President Barack Obama when it comes to his re-election, but his weakness among independent voters at this point makes his 2012 election prospects uncertain,." I believe that this is a very fitting response given the information that everyone has received in the past week about how polls are heading. It covers that democrats are still backing them, however, unlike when he got elected and had the landslide from Independent party, now he is not supported at all like that.


  1. Well I wouldn’t find it too shocking if President Obama were to be voted out of office in 2012 but in order for that to happen I would have to say that Sarah Palin cannot be the Republican representative. The major focal point of this next election is going to be the Independent voters and who they will side with and this next two year period will be a vital clue to see how Obama will be impacted. It will be interesting to see how Obama is able to handle this split Congress and how well he can sway the Independents to his side, because we all know Sarah Palin will be running on the same platform Obama ran on just two years ago “I’m not that guy.” Something tells me we wont have our first female president in 2012.

  2. This is pretty reasonable to believe, I don't think Sarah Palin has a chance at winning the presidency no matter who she is running against. However, going along with what you said about fitting responses, could it also be a part of the idea of King Running. King running is where the media decides who the front runner is, and obviously they are saying Obama is the front runner for the Democratic party, but they are also saying that Palin is the front runner for the Republicans, even though I know a lot of Republicans that wouldn't want her to be their candidate.
