Saturday, November 20, 2010

Who is the better dancer?

I was reading an article from titles ‘Political Circus: Bush a better dancer than Obama?’ The picture that accompanied the story was of former President Bush dancing with members of a West African troupe during a White House event. The article started by talking about George Bush’s appearance on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’, and this was Bush’s first appearance in 10 years. On the show, Leno played a clip of Obama dancing with kids in India and then played a video of Bush dancing at the White House event with the West African troupe. Leno then proceeded to ask Bush who he thought the better dancer was between him and President Obama. Bush’s verdict: President Obama. The article continued by jabbing at other politicians and their slip ups and most memorable moments. There was a segment called ‘Notable Quotable’, and this mocked Dick Cheney. Next, the ‘Underwear Summit’ that made fun of a quote by U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman. The article hilariously ended with some ‘Late-night Laughs’. Conan made fun on Donald Trump running for President in 2012, Letterman made fun of both Palin and Trump running, and George Lopez made fun of Bristol Palin and Mike ‘the situation’. Not only does this article fit the criteria for carnivalesque with the tables turning on the politicians (or want to be politicians), but the media is also making these certain, highly unimportant issues more salient and accessible than other more pertinent issues. Although the article is funny, I feel there are more important topics that should be at the forefront of our news media.

1 comment:

  1. I agree I do think that there are more prominent issues that should be addressed on the forefront of the news media, however, this was also a way for these people who deserving or not received free, unearned media attention. This article brought up many names that may not be on many people's minds or what they were originally thinking of when they began to read the news, but now after this way of carnivalesque, these names and the way they joked about them and made them laugh are in their minds. So while trying to be funny, they were also giving these politicians and celebrities (reality stars) free media coverage.
