Monday, November 1, 2010

Sarah Palin Rallies Democrats

The article that I read was called “Democrats’ Last Hope: Sarah Palin”. The article discusses how Sarah Palin can save the House of Democrats, and ho many of the party’s endangered incumbents are spending their final days campaigning as much against the former Alaska governor as against their Republican rivals. The article describes how Republicans tend to love her but Democrats and independents view her unfavorably with equal intensity. The numbers from the latest Bloomberg survey, conducted by Des Moines-based Seizer & Co, show these sentiments with just 38 percent of Americans view her favorably, while 54 percent see her unfavorably. Incumbents are trying to associate their republican rivals with the former governor. Palin has endorsed 56 candidates across the country, stretching from her home state of Alaska to Florida and New Hampshire. In Ohio, Mary Jo Kilroy, a democrat, has used on of these donations to paint her opponent, state Sen. Steve Stivers, as a Palin “protégé”, turning those non-Palin supporters against him. Some democrats feel bringing up ties to Palin will rally democratic voters and alienate independent voters, bringing a combination that democrat need to win the race. Republican however feel that bringing up or denying tells to Palin is irrelevant and ridiculous, “Sarah Palin’s not on the ballot. People aren’t thinking about her. They’re thinking about what’s been going on in Washington”. However, I feel people will care about this because it is gossip, and Sarah Palin now has celebrity tied to her, this brings attention from the media, whether good or bad, and will gain viewer interest.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was an interesting post because it reflects the tie politics has to celebrity. For a lot of Americans, especially the younger generations, celebrities are role models that riddle every aspect of our lives. Look at our language for example, although it nauseates me, we have sayings like, "that's hot" thanks to Paris Hilton, or whatever Snooki decides to spill out of her mouth on every episode of Jersey Shore. Realizing that the connection between celebrity and its tie to our political system, and communication, is important because it strongly reflects the values voters may have. A lot of people may not know that Sarah Palin is an avid hunter, or that she is actually a man (unknown source), but they use their general idea, and the one the media has portrayed, to either accept or reject her political stance. And mostly because she looks like a naughty secretary, but that's just me.
