Monday, November 1, 2010

Immigration and Latinos voting

The article I read today was from This article was all about the immigration laws that are in Arizona and other states and the laws that the Republicans are trying to pass. The article states that because of the Arizona law and many other copycat laws against the Latino immigrants, the GOP is in reality ruining their own campaign. With these laws on the forefront, the Latino population is beginning to keep the immigration laws on their mind and by doing so they are more likely to vote Democrat. The DREAM act, which stands for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, enables Latino immigrants to earn their citizenship by going to college or serving in the military. The GOP is against this act. By the GOP being against this act and being in support of the Arizona laws, the Latino population is beginning to turn their backs to the Republican Party and look more closely at the Democratic Party. Since Latinos are the single-largest ethnic minority in the United States, and that they are unhappy with the actions of the GOP, there is a large chance that there will be an increased turnout in support of Democrats. This could lessen the chance the Republicans have to gain the majority in the House and Senate. With this vote, the Republican Party could lose the Latino voters that they had to begin with and that could end up not only being a short term effect, but also being a long term effect.

1 comment:

  1. In Arizona especially I believe that the Republican party should lose the Latino vote. Arizona politicians mostly republicans have been saying outlandish and very judgmental things about the new Latino population. Their governor called the new population of immigrants all drug mules for the the Mexican drug cartels. Comments like this are going to make the population turn against the party. I like the idea of the new Latino population serving in the military and being educating simply to get more acclimated with our country. However, if after serving our country or participating in education they are still treated as outsiders, I find it extremely unfair. If politicians were smart instead of discriminating against the up and coming Latino population they would create beneficial laws to include them into our politics and not turn them away.
