Monday, November 1, 2010

Marijuana Legalization / Voting

To go along with voting for local and state law makers, voters around the country will also vote on other things such as fishing rights all the way to the legalization of Marijuana.  California is considering legalizing marijuana for personal use for people thats are 21years old and older, meaning someone could possess and transport marijuana for their own personal use.  Arizona, Oregon, and South Dakota are considering various measures from legalizing marijuana to loosening up the laws on it.  I am a firm believer that marijuana should be legalized for a number of reasons.  I believe the legalization of marijuana would reduce the crime rate as well as become a huge way for the government to make money and bring our country out of are ever growing debt.  If California was to really legalize Marijuana im sure the government would put a huge tax on it like they do cigarettes. This could cause a ripple effect for other states across the country to realize the type of revenue that could be gained by legalizing marijuana.  I mean alcohol is legal and the dangers that alcohol causes are way worse then what marijuana does to your body. I do not see why marijuana can't be legal like alcohol with resritctions just how alcohol is.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that people that think that drug trafficking and consumption can be stopped in America are oblivious to how the world works and might as well believe in leprechauns and flying twenty feet dogs. Don’t see why if it is going to happen, why the U.S. government won’t make it legal federally and make money off of something that is going to happen. I have a friend in Michigan that is part of their medicinal marijuana community in Michigan where he grows and consume legally within the states rights regarding the herb. With the countries debt being a whopping 13.6 trillion dollars we need something that can help chip away at that debt. If we can help ourselves then we should, President Obama’s plan has yet to show any major affect in how he was trying to jumpstart the economy. He and the U.S. government should get on the good foot and try to make their situation a little bit better.
