Monday, November 29, 2010

a plague of bail-outs?

maybe i'm just naive--but before I heard the term "bailout" used for an entire country was when Obama was speaking about the plan he had for the United States of America and our bailout. Then i read about the bailout that is supposed to take place for Ireland. So...I scratch my head in wonder that if this bailout will also be spent on giving rich people better benefit packages and affording them more paid days off than they already have had. The thought of what is supposed to be economically wise choices benefiting only the wealthy makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. Would it be too obvious to divide this bail out somehow among all the Irish residents? Is that too much common sense or "socialism"? In countries where the poor continue to slip into poverty, isn't it important to give them a helping hand in order to help them come out of these financially dark places? Or will it be more important for Ireland to make sure their top government officials are feed well? In the article it speaks of "...protests were organized by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), which has called the four-year plan for spending cuts and tax hikes "savage and regressive."" Which makes me hopefully that the poor will not stand buy idolly so that they are taxed even more, but totally unable to rep any of the benefits of the bailout that appears that it will cost them even more money through raising taxes.

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