Monday, November 15, 2010

Palin's unfavorables reach all time high

Recently, a lot of articles and news show hosts have been discussing the decrease of Sarah Palin's ethos. In the article "Palin's unfavorables reach all time high" Gallup polls are analyzed and a clear trend has emerged; Sarah Palin is becoming less respected and creditable to her supporters. From page 30 of Perspectives on Political Communication, "Ethos is the persuasive appeal a rhetor makes based on who the audience believes he or she is" (Bell 30). In other words it is the creditability and character of the person in question, and in regards to Sarah Palin, polls are showing her ethos is dropping rapidly. In addition to the article, the other night I saw Anderson Cooper on CNN talk about a story involving Sarah Palin. It appears she got in an argument with someone from CNN, and knew she was at fault in the argument but continued to argue. Too further show her lacking ethos, Anderson quoted Sarah Palin's argument from an article she used, however if you read the whole article you would see that it actually refutes Palin's claims and not defend them. Knowing this, she purposely quoted the article but left out the part that would prove her wrong, and Anderson Cooper pointed all this out in his show, showing Palin's character. I personally do not understand how this woman is still in the spot light or a political figure, she is clearly a "giant douche".


  1. I agree that Palin is becoming less and less credible these days. Her new show on TLC is a good example of that. Most people do not want to sit around and watch her go fishing with her children. While it shows that she has a soft side and is a family person, it does nothing for her credibility. In my post this week I talked about an article that was called "Sarah Palin's Alaska: seven secret politcal messages in her new reality show". This article basically says that one had to look and listen carefully to find any political messages in her show going back again to her credibility...that she may not have any.

  2. I would have to agree that Sarah Palin’s popularity is waning due to the fact that she seems to be pushing herself on everything she and her family could be forced onto, but I don’t think this is gonna last. I think that in 2012 when the election rolls around that there will be a softening stance on Palin and that while this hurts her in the short run because people are annoyed with the short attention span our country has it can become helpful later on especially when the Republican spin machine gets behind it. What she is showing is that she’s not the airhead we all thought she was back when she started running in ’08 but now she is becoming a bit of a hard head extremist but I’m sure when 2012 rolls around she will go through 1 or 2 more personality changes.
