Monday, November 8, 2010

Hillary Apparently "Crushes" Obama in Polls....of 1000 surveyed

After looking in the news at the headlines, one really stood out to me that made me laugh in particular and it was one titled, “Poll: Hillary Would Crush Obama”, on the Fox News webpage. This article made me laugh not because of the content, as it was pretty short and also a quick blurb about another article from a different website, but it was the article’s title that made me laugh. In reading the article I read that there was a poll that went out on that questioned who would win against Obama, with choices being entertainers and some current politicians. Out of all of the options, Hillary came out victorious as one could guess from the very bold title of the article. I think its funny how Fox News titled this brief article with the term “crush” as the verb to explain that she basically won a pointless poll a week after Democrats lost so many spots. While it is interesting that Hillary out voted the current President, I question many things about this survey and do not feel it is an accurate statement of the population. This article seems to only accomplish one thing in my opinion and that is to stir things up to show that the U.S. is not in fact happy with Obama and to build on the hope Republican’s received after last week’s election. For a majority of 1000 voters to vote for Hillary over Obama, really doesn’t really get me excited, but rather it makes me wonder what is news now-a-days.


  1. This is very interesting to me that people would really vote Hillary over Obama now all of a sudden, when he was elected it was like a landslide with no one standing a chance against him. I agree the poll means nothing and it makes me question, is this just the news trying to show the democratic party as being unorganized and as people who do not make good decisions if they so quickly turn against who they elected president. I believe this article is intended to stir up the democratic party even more and sway even more votes towards the republican party to ensure that they do not win an election again in awhile.

  2. I agree, although it is a poll that means nothing it is a slap in the face to Obama and is kind of a joke that people do not have faith in him. It also does not say what party the majority of the people that took the survey were in so it could also be biased. This is also a pseudoevent because it is something that was not necessarily needed to be brought up but was used to show that peoples opinions have possibly changed since Obama has been President, which is very likely. It makes me wonder what Obama's opinion of the poll is.

  3. This poll means nothing as both Dan and Rob have mentioned and I agree. It made me think about campaign coverage becoming more negative in the past years. The book says that "82% of presidential ads in 2004 being assessed as negative (Bell 63). While Hilary and Obama were not up for election I think this artcile proves that people and advertisements for our politicians are mostly negative and really for no good reason. Rob brought up the point of the survey trying to sway voters in the future; Perhaps this is why which is sad that campaigns are so negative towards our current president.

  4. Sometimes I just don’t know why FoxNews or other clearly biased news outlets release articles like these. But I think it’s just Fox trying to attack the Democrats and showing them that they made a “mistake” two years ago by supporting Obama. The article in general doesn’t seem relevant at all and it seems Fox is just continuing to bring down Obama’s image. This might be Fox’s “attempt” at attacking as a watchdog, when it really just comes off as being pointless. A real watchdog would alert the public with issues of concern and report on actual wrongdoing by public officials.
